ELDD 2006 Latsis Colloquium of the University of Geneva: Early Language Development and Disorders
Kelley Sacco
ks7t at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jul 20 20:39:49 UTC 2005
Geneva, Switzerland, January 26-28, 2006
Anne Christophe (CNRS, Paris, France)
Stephen Crain (Macquarie University, Australia)
Debra Mills (Emory University, Georgia, USA)
Kim Oller (University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
Kim Plunkett (Oxford University, England)
Ken Wexler (MIT, Massachusetts, USA)
Official conference language is English.
Language acquisition in typically developing children and children with a
language delay or specific language impairment.
The general goal of the colloquium is to promote research on early language
acquisition using an interdisciplinary approach combining linguistics,
psycholinguistics, and neuroscience. This theme will be tackled at the
phonological, lexical, semantic and syntactic levels. More specifically, the
colloquium will cover the following topics:
* Theoreticalperspectives in language acquisition
* Genetic/environmentalcontributions to language acquisition
* Brainstructure and functions involved in language processing in infants
* Languagedelays and impairments
A secondary aim of the colloquium is to promote the careers of junior
scientists (students/graduate students/post-docs/fellows) working in the
subject area by providing them with the opportunity to present their work as
a short talk or poster alongside established researchers. A limited number
of scholarships are available.
Individuals interested in presenting should submit the following on the
conference website: http://www.unige.ch/fapse/PSY/LATSIS/
1) An abstract of a poster or talk (250 words maximum)
2) Title of the presentation and list of authors (presenting author should
be underlined)
3) 3 keywords
4) Complete name, address, email, and affiliation of presenting party
A limited number of scholarships (up to 400 CHF) will be available to
students and junior researchers (post-docs/fellows) whose talk or poster has
been accepted for presentation at the conference. To apply, please send a CV
to the following email address along with the title of your submitted
abstract, as well as a letter explaining your interest in a scholarship.
September 30, 2005: Talk and poster submissions (open to all researchers in
the field) (Notification of acceptance by October 30, 2005)
November 15, 2005: General registration for the conference (100 CHF
students/post-docs/fellows, 150 CHF general)
Selected talks and posters will be published in a special issue of a
peer-reviewed scientific journal.
Please email scholarship submissions and all other questions to:
colloquelatsis at pse.unige.ch <mailto:colloquelatsis at pse.unige.ch>
Bronwyn Glaser
Uli Frauenfelder
Luigi Rizzi
Pascal Zesiger
Local Committee:
Stephan Eliez
Julie Franck
Cornelia Hamann
Ur Shlonsky
Scientific Committee:
Adriana Belletti
Anne Christophe
Núria Sebastián Gallés
Teresa Guasti
Pierre Hallé
Marie-Thérèse Le Normand
Sophie Kern
Steve Majerus
Kim Plunkett
Marie-Anne Schelstraete
Jürgen Weissenborn
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