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Tue Jun 14 12:19:10 UTC 2005
Please find below a summary of the suggestions I received about phonological intervention. Thank you everybody who provided information.
Annette Fox
Annette V. Fox PhD
Professor of Logopedics (Child Language)
Department of Speech Therapy
University of Apllied Sciences Fresenius
Limburger Str.2
65510 Idstein
Tel: +49 - 6126 - 9352- 814
Fax: +49 - 6126 - 9352- 821
Mail to: fox at
Cirrin, F. & Penner, S. (1995). Classroom-based and consultative service delivery models for language intervention in M. Fey, J. Windsor, & S. Warren (Eds.), Language intervention preschool through the elementary years (pp 333-362). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
Elksnin, L., & Capilouto, G. (1994). Speech-language pathologists perceptions of integrated service delivery in school settings. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 25, 258-267
Roberts, J., Prizant, B., & McWilliam, R. (1995). Out-of-class versus in-class service delivery in language intervention: effects on communication interactions with young children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 4 (2), 87-94
Shelton, B., Gast, D., Wolery, M. & Winterling, V. (1991). The role of small group instruction in facilitating observational and incidental learning. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 22, 123-133.
Throneburg, R, Calvert, L., Sturm, J., Paramboukas, A., & Paul, P. (2000). A comparison of service delivery models: effects on curricular vocabulary skills in the school setting. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 9, 10-20
Wilcox, J. , Kouri, T., & Caswell, S. (1991). Early language intervention: A comparison of classroom and individual treatment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1 (1), 49-62
Adams et al. (2000). Targeting metaphonological ability in intervention for
children with developmental phonological disorders.
Bernhardt+Major (2005). Speech, language and literacy skills 33 years later: a
follow-up study of early phonological and metaphono. intervention
Bleile, K.M., & Hand, L. (1995). Metalinguistics. Clinical Linguistics and
Phonetics, 9, 25-28.
Dean, E., & Howell, J. (1986). Developing linguistic awareness: A
theoretically based approach to phonological disorders. British Journal of
Disorders of Communication, 21, 223-238.
Gillon, G. (2000). The efficacy of phonological awareness intervention for children with spoken language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 126-141.
Hesketh, A., Adams, C., Nightingale, C. & Hall, R. (2000). Phonological awareness therapy and articulatory training for children with phonological disorders: a comparative outcome study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 35, 337-354.
Laing+Espeland (2005). Low intensity phono awareness training in a preschool
classroom for children with communication impairment
Miccio, A.W. (1995). Metaphon: Factors contributing to treatment outcomes.
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 9, 28-36.
Major, E. M. & Bernhardt, B. (1998) Metaphonological skills of children with phonological disorders before and after phonological and metaphonological intervention. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 33, 4, 413-444.
Pascoe, Stackhouse+Wells (2004). phonological therapy within a psycholinguistic
framework: promoting change in a child with persisting speech difficulties
Rvachew, S., Nowak, M. & Cloutier, G. (2004). Effect of phonemic perception training on the speech production and phonological awareness skills of children with expressive phonological delay. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13, 250-263.
Segers+Verhoeven (2004). Computer-supported phono awareness intervention for
kindergarten children with specific language impairment
Smith, J., Downs, M. & Mogford-Bevan, K. (1998). Can phonological awareness training facilitate minmal pair therapy? International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 33, 463-468
Stackhouse, J., Wells, B., Pascoe, M., & Rees, R. (2002). From phonological therapy to phonological awareness. Seminars in Speech and Language, 23, 1, 27-42.
Troiy (1999). phono awareness intervention research: a critical review of the
experimental methodology
Wise et al (1999). Training phono awareness with and without explicit attention
to articulation
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