Motherese: Addendum
Matthew Saxton
M.Saxton at
Fri Dec 8 08:35:10 UTC 2006
Dear All,
Talking to Children
Even sub-headings have their origins:
Snow, C.E. & Ferguson, C.A. (1977) (Eds.), Talking to children.
Cambridge: C.U.P..
Just one additional finding that I think would be of interest to many.
Although Child Directed Speech seems to be the most frequently used term
currently, my impression is that motherese still enjoys the widest
currency in the world beyond InfoCHILDES. So one further remark on the
origins of motherese: while Elissa Newport's PhD seems to be the first
appearance of motherese in print, I'm reliably informed that Henry
Gleitman came up with the term.
And now I think I should terminate this teaming terminology tracing, at
least for the time being. Many thanks once again for all the information
and leads that have come my way this week.
Matthew Saxton MA, MSc, DPhil
School of Psychology and Human Development,
Institute of Education,
25 Woburn Square,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7612 6509
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7612 6304 <>
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