Research posts London, UK
Morgan, Gary
G.Morgan at
Wed Jan 4 15:07:33 UTC 2006
Post-graduate/Post-doctoral Researchers (2 posts)
City University London, UK
Department of Language and Communication Science,
Post-graduate/Post-doctoral Researcher (HM/10071)
£22.5K - £25.5K pa inc
Post-doctoral Researcher (RH/10082)
£28.5K - £32K pa inc
Fixed term for three years
The Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL) is a major new research centre funded by the Economic and Social Research Council UK. The Centre comprises a series of thematically linked research projects including sign language linguistics, language processing and language development. In a new collaboration between the DCAL, City University and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen we intend to examine the effects of modality and age of acquisition of language on segmentation mechanisms.
We are seeking two researchers to work on an ESRC-funded research project investigating language processing in adult deaf signers. The study will use experimental methods to probe how sign language is segmented on-line at the level of phonological structure. In particular we are interested in testing psycholinguistic models (e.g. The Possible Word Constraint) with data from sign language users. With excellent communication skills, you will have the ability to work collaboratively within a team and will be able to work to tight deadlines, with many conflicting priorities.
For the Post-graduate/Post-doctoral Researcher, you will be a graduate or postgraduate in linguistics, psychology or related area. With knowledge of sign/English linguistics, you will have the ability to carry out interviews in sign language. You will have signing skills to the equivalent of CACDP Level 2 BSL or above.
For the Post-doctoral Researcher, you will have a Ph.D. in Psychology, Linguistics or related area, (or doctoral dissertation submitted for examination), with research experience in psychology, linguistics, or psycholinguistics. You will have experience in experimental design and analysis. Knowledge of a sign language will be an advantage.
Benefits include a final-salary pension scheme.
For more information and an application form, visit
or write to the Recruitment Team, HR Department, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, quoting the relevant job reference number.
Closing date: 31 January 2006.
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