new Spanish-English bilingual corpus
Brian MacWhinney
macw at
Tue Mar 17 01:28:41 UTC 2009
Dear Info-CHILDES,
I am happy to announce the addition to CHILDES of a new corpus of
transcripts from identical twins in Spain, learning Spanish (from
their father) and English (from their mother). This corpus is
entitled the FerFuLice corpus after the two contributors, Raquel
Férnandez Fuertes (Valladolid) and Juana Liceras (Ottawa). The corpus
is included in the Bilingual segment of CHILDES. The readme for the
corpus is included below. Many thanks to Raquel and Juana for this
excellent contribution.
-- Brian MacWhinney
This corpus contains spontaneous productions from a longitudinal study
of two English/Spanish bilingual identical twins with the pseudonyms
of Simon and Leo. They were born into a middle-class family in Spain.
The father is a native speaker of Peninsular Spanish and the mother is
a native speaker of American English. The father always speaks to the
children in Spanish and the mother always addresses them in English.
The parents generally communicate in Spanish with each other, except
on summers when they travel to the United States for approximately two
months or when a monolingual English speaker is present. Therefore, we
are dealing with bilingual English/Spanish first language acquisition
in a monolingual-Spanish social context, a type of bilingualism that
is referred to in the literature as individual bilingualism (Bhatia
and Ritchie, 2004).
During the first year, the mother was the primary caretaker of the
twins. The father was present all day on weekends and less on
weekdays. At age 1;10, the twins started going to day care for 3 hours
a day on weekdays, where the language of the staff and other children
was Spanish. Apart from the mother, additional contact with English
was provided by occasional visits by the maternal grandparents and
during the two-month visits to the United States every summer.
The twins and participants other than the investigators have
pseudonyms to protect their privacy. If names of children or
participants other than the investigators appear in the recordings,
only the first initial or first and second initial are transcribed.
When it was not clear in the recording which of the twins was speaking
(mainly because they were off- screen) we have used SOL (Simon or Leo)
instead of S (Simon) or L (Leo).
1. Procedure
The data we have collected cover the age range of 1;01 to 6;11. A
total of 178 sessions were recorded on videotape and DVD, of which 117
are in an English context (i.e., with an English interlocutor such as
the interviewer or their mother) and 61 in a Spanish context (i.e.,
with a Spanish interlocutor such as the interviewer or their father).
The Spanish recordings were made at intervals of 2-3 weeks until age
3;00 (with some interruptions during the summer holidays), and then
once a month after that. The English recordings were sometimes made
more frequently, but the sessions are usually much shorter and
recorded on consecutive days. The children were recorded in
naturalistic settings, usually at home, and appear together in the
majority of the sessions. They were mostly engaged in normal play
activities with the interlocutor.
Videotaping was done by Raquel Fernández Fuertes, K. Todd Spradlin,
and Esther Álvarez de la Fuente. Transcription in Valladolid was done
by Esther Álvarez de la Fuente, Susana Muñiz Fernández, Isabel Parrado
Román, K. Todd Spradlin, Elisa Rosado Villegas, Israel de la Fuente
Velasco, and Alfonso Martínez Pérez. Transcription in Ottawa was done
by Rocío Pérez-Tattam, Tamara Vardomskaya, Anahí Alba de la Fuente, K.
Todd Spradlin, Marco Llamazares, Melissa Grimes, Shauna Flynn, and
Deidre Butters.
2. Inventory of sessions and files
In the tables below we indicate the recordings that we have made in a
Spanish-language context and in an English-language context. The
labels SP (Spanish) and EN (English) indicate the language of the
transcript. In both cases we indicate the number of sessions we
recorded and the number of chat documents/files they correspond to.
The transcripts are numbered according to the session and labeled
(01), (02) and so forth to mark a cut-off point at 1000 utterances
within each session. Although we tried to maintain a strict separation
between the two languages in the recordings, mixing of languages
occurs sometimes (we have indicated this in the tables below). As
well, some of the recordings correspond to different experimental
tests we have used: 2 on code switching (CS) and 3 on natural
translation (TR).
age range
spanish context
# of SP sessions
# of SP files
1;01.22- 1;11.20
(7 in EN)
(2 with CS test)
(1 with TR test)
(1 with TR test)
age range
english context
# of EN sessions
# of EN files
1;01.22- 1;11.20
(1 in SP)
(3 in SP)
(1 with CS test)
(1 in SP)
(3 with CS test)
(1 with NT test)
(1 with NT test)
(1 with NT test)
(3 with NT test)
3. References
Ph. d. dissertations
§ Álvarez de la Fuente, Esther (2007): Análisis lingüístico de la
traducción natural: datos de producción de dos niños gemelos bilingües
inglés/español [Universidad de Valladolid, Spain] <>.
§ Pérez-Tattam, Rocío (2007): Infinitival complements in bilingual
and L2 grammars [University of Ottawa, Canada].
§ Carter, Diana (2008): The primary and non-primary acquisition of
the mass-count distinction in English and Spanish [University of
Ottawa, Canada].
M.A. theses
§ Parrado Román, Isabel (2004): La sintaxis de los sistemas
bilingües inglés/español: estudio comparado de la flexión verbal
[Universidad de Valladolid, Spain].
§ Alba de la Fuente, Anahí (2006): Adquisición de los clíticos
españoles por niños bilingües [University of Ottawa, Canada].
§ Gaulin, Rebecca (2008): Examination of copula omission within the
data of Spanish-English twin infants, Leo and Simon: the effects of
transfer [University of Ottawa, Canada].
(2003) J.M. Liceras: Spanish L1/L2 crossroads: can we get there from
here? In A.T. Pérez-Leroux and Y. Roberge (eds.) Romance Linguistics:
Theory and Acquisition, John Benjamins, 317-350. [ISBN:
90-272-4756-0, 1-58811-430-9]
(2003) K.T. Spradlin, J.M. Liceras, and R. Fernández Fuertes:
Functional-lexical code-mixing patterns as evidence for language
dominance in young bilingual children: a minimalist approach. In J.M.
Liceras, H. Zobl, and H. Goodluck (eds.) Generative approaches to
second language acquisition conference (GASLA-6 2002): L2 links,
Cascadilla Press, 298-307. [ISBN: 1-57473-401-6]
(2004) R. Fernández Fuertes, E. Álvarez de la Fuente, and S. Muñiz
Fernández: Aprendiendo inglés y español: we want to learn jugando, La
audiencia imaginaria, Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid,
101-112. [ISBN: 84-688-8130-9]
(2004) R. Pérez-Tattam, K.T. Spradlin, J.M. Liceras, and R. Fernández
Fuertes: Code-switching, language dominance and the determination of
language competence. In E. González-Álvarez and A. Rollings (eds.)
Studies in contrastive linguistics, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, 439-448. [ISBN: 84-9750-375-2]
(2005) J.M. Liceras, K.T. Spradlin, and R. Fernández Fuertes:
Bilingual early functional-lexical mixing and the activation of formal
features. International journal of bilingualism, vol. 9, N. 2,
227-251. [ISSN: 1367-0069; ISBN: 0-9545259-8-1]
(2005) J.M. Liceras: La adquisición de la lengua materna y las lenguas
segundas: ¿Qué caminos llevan a qué Roma. In P. Fuertes Olivera (ed.)
Lengua y sociedad: investigaciones recientes en lingüística aplicada,
Universidad de Valladolid, 119-151. [ISBN: 9788484483427]
(2005) R. Fernández Fuertes, E. Álvarez de la Fuente, J.M. Liceras,
and K.T. Spradlin: El “cambio o la alternancia de código” del lenguaje
infantil de los bilingües y la activación de los rasgos formales del
input lingüístico. In M.A. Mayor Cinca, B. Zubiauz de Pedro, and E.
Díez-Villoria (eds.) Estudios sobre la adquisición del lenguaje,
Universidad de Salamanca, 612-631. [ISBN: 84-7800-511-0]
(2005) J.M. Liceras and R. Fernández Fuertes: Formal features in child
and adult code-mixing. Cuadernos de lingüística XII, 139-154,
Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset. [ISBN: 84-95048-57-4]
(2005) E. Álvarez de la Fuente, I. Parrado Román, S. Muñiz Fernández,
and R. Fernández Fuertes: Una habilidad de los niños bilingües:
acercamiento a la traducción natural. In L. Pérez Ruiz and C.
Estébanez Estébanez (coords.) Estudios de metodología de la lengua
inglesa [III], Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid, 389-402.
[ISBN: 84-8448-349-5]
(2006) J.M. Liceras, C. Martínez, K.T. Spradlin, R. Pérez Tattam, S.
Perales, and R. Fernández Fuertes: L2 acquisition as a process of
creolization: insights from child and adult code-mixing. In C.
Lefebvre, L. White, and C. Jourdan (eds.) L2 acquisition and Creole
genesis: dialogues, John Benjamins, 114-144. [ISBN: 90-272-5302-1]
(2006) E. Álvarez de la Fuente: La traducción natural en la
adquisición bilingüe simultánea inglés/español. In Studies in
Contrastive Linguistics 170, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,
59-67. [ISBN: 978-84-9750-648-0]
(2006) I. Parrado Román: La flexión verbal en la adquisición del
bilingüismo como L1. In Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 170,
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 769-778. [ISBN:
(2007) R. Fernández Fuertes, E. Álvarez de la Fuente, and J.M.
Liceras: Los datos de adquisición bilingüe inglés/español: separación
y mezcla de códigos. In R. Mairal (ed.) Aprendizaje de lenguas, uso
del lenguaje y modelación cognitiva: perspectivas aplicadas entre
disciplinas, UNED, 247-261. [ISBN: 978-84-611-6897-2]
(2007) J.M. Liceras: La adquisición de lenguas segundas y la
encrucijada Lengua-I(interna) / Lengua-E(xterna) en la adquisición, el
cambio diacrónico y la formación de criollos. In R. Mairal (ed.)
Aprendizaje de lenguas, uso del lenguaje y modelación cognitiva:
perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas, UNED, 67-90. [ISBN:
(2007) I. Parrado Román: La concordancia verbal en el proceso de
adquisición bilingüe: estudio comparado inglés-español. In R. Mairal
(ed.) Aprendizaje de lenguas, uso del lenguaje y modelación cognitiva:
perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas, UNED, 409-420. [ISBN:
(2008) J.M. Liceras, R. Fernández Fuertes, S. Perales, R. Pérez-
Tattam, and K.T. Spradlin: Gender and gender agreement in bilingual
native and non-native grammars: a view from child and adult functional-
lexical mixings. Lingua, vol. 118, Issue 6, 827-851. [ISSN: 0024-3841]
(2008) J.M. Liceras, R. Fernández Fuertes, and R. Pérez Tattam: Null
and overt subjects in the developing grammars (L1 English/L1 Spanish)
of two bilingual twins. In C. Pérez-Vidal, M. Juan Garau, and A. Bel i
Gaya (eds.) A portrait of the young in the new multilingual Spain,
Multilingual Matters, 111-134. [ISBN: 978-1-84769-023-4]
(2008) R. Fernández Fuertes, S. Muñiz Fernández, E. Álvarez de la
Fuente, and Mª I. Parrado Román: Feature representations in the
linguistic production of English/Spanish bilingual children. In L.
Pérez Ruiz, and C. Estébanez Estébanez (eds.) Language awareness in
English and Spanish, Centro Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid,
53-75. [ISBN: 978-84-8448-448-6]
(2008) R. Fernández Fuertes, J.M. Liceras, and E. Álvarez de la
Fuente: Linguistic theory and bilingual systems: simultaneous and
sequential English/Spanish bilingualism. In M.A. Gómez-González, J.L.
Mackencie, and E.M. González Álvarez (eds.) Languages and cultures in
contrast and comparison, John Benjamins, 275-297. [ISBN:
(2008) R. Fernández Fuertes, J.M. Liceras, R. Pérez-Tattam, D. Carter,
C. Martínez-Sanz, and A. Alba de la Fuente: The nature of the
pronominal system and verbal morphology in bilingual Spanish/English
child data: linguistic theory and learnability issues. In J. Bruhn de
Garavito and E. Valenzuela (eds.) Selected proceedings of the 10th
Hispanic Linguistic Symposium, Cascadilla Press, 51-63. [ISBN:
(2008) R. Fernández Fuertes, E. Álvarez de la Fuente, I. Parrado
Román, and S. Muñiz Fernández: La bici pirata se convierte en pirate
bike o en bike pirate: la composición nominal en datos de adquisición
de niños. In L. Pérez Ruiz, I. Pizarro Sánchez, and E. González Cascos
(eds.) Estudios de metodología de la lengua inglesa [IV], Centro
Buendía, Universidad de Valladolid, 421-438. [ISBN: 978-84-8448-461-5]
(2008) J.M. Liceras and R. Fernández Fuertes: La omisión de la cópula
en el inglés de los niños bilingües (español/inglés): los rasgos
semánticos y la dicotomía ser/estar del español. Actas del XV congreso
internacio nal de la asociación de lingüística y filología de América
Latina (ALFAL), Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de
la Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, #0618.
Funding was supplied by these sources:
§ Bilingualism (English/Spanish) as a first language: a case study
of identical twins [Faculty of Arts research funds, University of
Ottawa, Canada], 2000-2004. Principal Investigator: J.M. Liceras.
§ Estrategias para la enseñanza de lenguas y la formación del
profesorado: estudio teórico y práctico de la producción lingüística
de gemelos bilingües inglés/español [Consejería de Educación y
Cultura, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (UV 30/02)], 2002-2003.
Principal Investigator: R. Fernández Fuertes.
§ La teoría lingüística y el análisis de los sistemas bilingües:
estudio longitudinal de la adquisición simultánea del inglés y del
español [Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain (BFF2002-00442)],
2002-2005. Principal Investigator: R. Fernández Fuertes.
§ Two perspectives on optionality and parametric values in second
language acquisition: primary language development and diachronic
change [Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (RE/
C: 410-2004-2034)], 2004-2007. Principal Investigator: J.M. Liceras.
§ Lenguas en contacto [inglés/español] en el contexto de Castilla y
León: adquisición de lenguas primeras y segundas [Consejería de
Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (VA046A06)], 2006-2008.
Principal Investigator: R. Fernández Fuertes.
§ Elaboración y análisis de un corpus de datos de adquisición del
inglés y del español como L1 y L2 de niños y adultos: aprendizaje
formal, naturaleza del input y factor edad [Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia, Spain (HUM2007-62213)], 2007-2010. Principal Investigator:
R. Fernández Fuertes.
Publications using these data should cite:
Liceras, J.M., R. Fernández Fuertes, S. Perales, R. Pérez-Tattam and
K.T. Spradlin. 2008. Gender and gender agreement in bilingual native
and non-native grammars: a view from child and adult functional-
lexical mixings. Lingua 118 (6): 827-851. [ISSN: 0024-3841].
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