McArthur Bates CDI for Somali?
Katie Alcock
k.j.alcock at
Mon Mar 28 09:39:06 UTC 2011
I think I can definitively say it hasn't - I know of most adaptations from
sub-Saharan Africa and so far I think they are all Bantu. A former student
of mine is working on some West African languages at the moment.
(Incidentally, I don't know how this particular list works, but I have a
nasty feeling that if you start with a message on topic A, leave the
original message but change the subject field to topic B, it's going to be
indexed online as topic A still, which appears to have been "pragmatic
Katie Alcock
Katie Alcock, DPhil, CPsychol
Department of Psychology
University of Lancaster
Fylde College
Lancaster LA1 4YF
Tel 01524 593833
Fax 01524 593744
> From: Jeanine Treffers-Daller <Jeanine.Treffers-Daller at>
> Reply-To: "info-childes at" <info-childes at>
> Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 15:59:38 +0000
> To: "info-childes at" <info-childes at>
> Subject: McArthur Bates CDI for Somali?
> Dear all
> I'd be very grateful if you could let me know if the McArthur Bates
> Communicative Development Inventory has been developed for Somali (or another
> Cushitic language).
> I have been in touch with Philip Dale who is unaware of any adaptations for
> Somali.
> thanks a lot for your help!
> best wishes
> Jeanine
> =========================
> Professor Jeanine Treffers-Daller
> Professor of Linguistics
> Department of English, Linguistics and Communication
> Faculty of Creative Arts, Humanities and Education
> Frenchay Campus
> Coldharbour Lane
> Bristol
> BS16 1QY
> tel. 00-44-117-3282390
> Room 4D03
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