A scale for how "chatty" a preschooler is?
Molly Millians
mmillians at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 13:09:50 UTC 2011
I wonder if the "talkativeness" is characteristic of children who have some
diffiuclties with self-regulation that interfere with their calming to
It might be benefical to look into the issues of self-regulation,
talkativeness, and sleep. The Handbook of Self-Regulation: Reserach,
Theory, and Applications edited by Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs is a
good reference.
Molly Millians
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Barbara Pearson <
bpearson at research.umass.edu> wrote:
> Dear Infochildes,
> I've had a question from a colleague that has me stumped. I hope you have
> some suggestions for her.
> Is there some formal measure of how verbose a preschool child is?
> She is doing sleep research and for a grant proposal is trying to follow up
> on a comment from teachers and parents that "some kids are highly verbal and
> they
> tend to be harder to get to sleep."
> "Highly verbal" in this case is not a value judgment about the child's
> language sophistication, just how *much* they talk.
> I suggested that Betty Hart's 2nd book, the "Social World of Children
> Learning to Talk" had graphs that quantified "voluble," "average," and
> "taciturn" levels for parents and child separately up to 36 months. Or I
> think she could use LENA to quantify the percentage of a fixed time a child
> talks--
> But it's not the focus of the research: she doesn't want to record or
> transcribe.
> She was hoping there was a scale that she could give to teachers or
> parents; or possibly a short-term observation protocol that someone has
> codified.
> Any suggestions for her??!
> Thank you in advance.
> Best wishes,
> Barbara Pearson
> **************************************************
> Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
> Research Associate, Depts of Linguistics and Communication Disorders
> c/o 226 South College
> University of Massachusetts Amherst
> Amherst MA 01003
> bpearson at research.umass.edu
> http://www.umass.edu/aae/bp_**indexold.htm<http://www.umass.edu/aae/bp_indexold.htm>
> http://www.zurer.com/pearson
> --
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