Novedad bibliográfica: J.G. Martínez. 1997. An Open Dimension of Meaning: A Semantic Study of Adjectives and Their Combinations

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg Carlos.Subirats at
Fri Jun 5 11:53:53 UTC 1998

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Eulalia de Bobes <ebobes at>, UAB
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Emma Martinell <martinell at>, UB

                Novedad bibliográfica
    Jesús G. Martínez del Castillo. 1997. An Open
Dimension of Meaning: A Semantic Study of Adjectives and
Their Combinations. Universidad de Almería: Servicio de
Publicaciones. 135 páginas. ISBN 84-8240-068-1.
De: Jesús Gerardo Martínez Del Castillo <jgmartin at>

    The book is a study of adjectives as linguistic
elements constituting a category. Adjectives are lexematic
words funtioning at the three levels of linguistic
competence. They form a category; they belong to a
historical language; and they are elements of free use by

    As elements belonging to the universal level of the
activity of speaking they form a linguistic universal, and
can be defined as the expression of an open dimension of
meaning, not defined or specified in itself but with
possibilities of definition and specification at any of
its points.

    As elements belonging to a historical language they
are virtual, since they belong to the system of the
language, the system of possibilities of expression; and
they are real, provided with particular meaning and
particular restrictions in the use of that meaning. In
this respect they belong to the norm of the language, or
the actual performance of language and constituted in a
tradition in the technique of the activity of speaking.
Considered in this respect adjectives are lexemes and
predicates, and are defined in two aspects: first in the
meaning they convey, in their dimension of meaning and in
the extension of that dimension, and second in the
predication they establish, in the definition and the
application they create. In this way adjectives are
provided with meaning and restrictions of use by the

    Adjectives are lexematic words constituting a
structure of predication made up of three components: a
structure of meaning, the base for the adjective to mean,
relate and combine; a predicative structure, creating
particular relationships of signification in the combination
they appear; and a syntactic structure, defining the
adjective in connection with the elements it is combined

    As elements of free use by speakers they belong to
discourse. In this respect they are the means of creation
and the means of communication of speakers.

    Adjectives are analysed under the principles of
lexematics by Coseriu and the principles of functional
grammar by S. Dik.

    In the last chapter the base for the classification of
adjectives is discussed.

    The book has 6 chapters and 3 appendixes:

Chapter 1: A Structure of Predication
Chapter 2: The Meaning of Adjectives
Chapter 3: The Syntagmatics of Adjectives
Chapter 4: The Semantic Component of Adjectives
Chapter 5: The Predicative Component of Adjectives
Chapter 6: Towards a Classification of the  Predication
Established by Adjectives.

Appendix 1: Hierarchy and Lexical Fields in  Adjectives.
Appendix 2: Lexical Fields in Adjectives and Parameters of
Meaning in Them.
Appendix 3: An Illustration: Lexical Field of  Adjectives of

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