9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR: FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Espa=F1a?=), 20-23 September 2000

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg Carlos.Subirats at UAB.ES
Fri Sep 17 09:20:33 UTC 1999

INFOLING  Lista moderada de lingüística española
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Envío de información: infoling-request at listserv.rediris.es
Editor: Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg <Carlos.Subirats at uab.es>
Paola Bentivoglio <pbentivo at reacciun.ve>, U. Central Venezuela
Mar Cruz <mcruz at lingua.fil.ub.es>, U. Barcelona
Eulalia de Bobes <ebobes at seneca.uab.es>, U. Autónoma Barcelona
Emma Martinell <martinell at lingua.fil.ub.es>, U. Barcelona
Rosa Ribas <Ribas at em.uni-frankfurt.de>, U. Frankfurt

     Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
(España), 20-23 September 2000
         De: Ricardo Mairal <rmairal at flog.uned.es>

    Since 1984, there has been a highly successful
biennial series of International Conferences on Functional
Grammar: Amsterdam (1984), Antwerp (1986), Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam (1988), Copenhagen (1990), Antwerp
(1992), York (1994), Córdoba (1996), and Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam (1998). Each of these conferences
has helped advance the theory of Functional grammar and
create an ever-growing international community of
researchers. It is now time to announce the ninth in this

    The Ninth International Conference on Functional
Grammar (ICFG9) will be held at the Universidad Nacional
de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Madrid, from 20 to 23
September 2000, and will be organized by the UNED in
collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
(UAM) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).

    The organizing committee will be: Ricardo Mairal,
Vicky Escandell (UNED), Angela Downing, Joaquín Garrido,
Juana Marín-Arrese, Elena Martínez-Caro (UCM), Esperanza
Torrego and Jesús de la Villa (UAM).

    The Conference will be held in English and will be
devoted to Functional Grammar (FG) as set out by the late
Simon Dik (Dik, S. 1997. The Theory of Functional Grammar.
Parts I & II. Ed. by K. Hengeveld. Berlin: Mouton de
Gruyter). Papers are invited that address matters arising
from that book and more generally from the tradition of
work in FG.

    There will also be a special section devoted to other
functional and/or cognitive models and approaches.

     Deadline for receiving abstracts: 20 January, 2000
    If you wish to present a paper, you are requested to
send an abstract of your presentation, preferably by snail
mail to:

     Dr. Ricardo Mairal
     Facultad de Filología
     Dpto. de Filologías Extranjeras
     Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
     c/ Senda del Rey, S/N
     28040 Madrid
     E-mail: fgconference at vip.uned.es
     Phone: +34-91-398.6819
     Fax:   +34-91-398.6826

    Please submit 3 anonymous copies + 1 camera-ready copy
(with name & affiliation) of your abstract.

                     Abstracts should:

    1. Be no longer than 300 words, and written in
    2. Clearly state the problem to be addressed or
    the research questions raised by prior studies.
    3. State the main point(s) or argument(s) of the
    proposed presentation, with relevant data if
    possible. 4. Show relevance to FG, or more
    generally, to functional/cognitive approaches.
    5. Give references to literature cited in the
    6. Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, margins 3.5

    Please send a separate cover page with the following

    1. Name & institutional affiliation.
    2. Title of paper.
    3. Postal address.
    4. E-mail address.
    5. Phone and/or Fax number.
    6. Audiovisual needs for presentation.

    Time allocated for presentation of papers will be 30
min. + 10 min. for discussion.
    You will be notified of whether your submission has
been accepted by 15 May 2000.

    All participants will be asked to pay a fee of 12.000
ptas (approx. 76.61 EUROS). The fee, to be paid in Spanish
currency, will cover participation in the conference
itself, the book of abstracts, the opening reception, tea
and coffee during breaks, as well as an excursion on
Thursday afternoon, 21 September. The fee will not cover
the conference dinner on Friday, 22 September, for which
all participants in the Conference will be invited to sign

                   PRE-REGISTRATION FORM
    If you are intending to participate or are interested
in receiving further information, please return the
pre-registration form below asap (preferably by e-mail):

                   PRE-REGISTRATION FORM

       Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
                       Madrid, Spain
                    20-23 September 2000

E-mail address:
Phone and/or Fax number:
I intend to participate:  YES / NO
I intend to present a paper:  YES / NO

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