Informaci ón bibliográfica: Diccionarios y listas d e frecuencias del español

Carlos Subirats carlos.subirats at GMAIL.COM
Sat Feb 21 22:50:00 UTC 2009

-------------------          INFOLING          --------------------

Lista de distribución sobre lingüí­stica del español (ISSN: 1576-3404):
Enví­o de información: <infoling-request at>
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüí­stica del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

© Infoling, Barcelona (España) 1996-2009. Reservados todos los derechos


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Con el apoyo de Editorial Arco Libros
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Información bibliográfica: Diccionarios y listas de frecuencias del español:

Spanish Word Frequency Lists

There are several word frequency lists for Spanish. Below, we've
listed the main ones in chronological order.

Buchanan, MA 1927. A Graded Spanish Word Book. Toronto.
BAsed on a corpus of 1,200,000 words taken from a variety of genres,
such as plays, novels, verse, folklore, miscellaneous prose, technical
texts and periodicals. It includes Latin American texts as well as
texts in Spanish regional dialects.

Eaton, H 1940. An English -French - German - Spanish Word Frequency
Dictionary. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
This book provides a semantic frequency list that correlates the first
6,000 words in four single-language frequency lists. The source lists
in the four languages are:
- for English, Teacher's Word Book of 20,000 Words (compiled by Thorndlike);
- for French, French Word Book (compiled by Vander Beke): it comprises
6,067 words;
- for German, Häufigkeitswörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (by
Kaeding): it comprises 79,716 words; and
- for Spanish, A Graded Spanish Word Book (by Buchanan).

As the number of words and the range of material for the English and
German lists is greater than for the other two source lists, the
English and German words are accorded more weight, in a proportion of
four to one. As well as the correlation lists, the dictionary includes
four indexes to English, German, French and Spanish words on the list.

Rodriguez Bou, L. 1952. Recuento de Vocabulario Español. Puerto Rico.
Based on a corpus of 7,200,000 words extracted from texts belonging to
three broad categories:
- Expression vocabulary (oral vocabulary, vocabulary of free and
controlled association and vocabulary of grade and high school
- Recognition vocabulary (from newspapers, radio programmes, religious
literature and the Buchanan word count); and
- Authors' vocabulary (from textbooks and supplementary readings).
This list relies heavily on Latin American texts, especially source
from Puerto Rico.

García Hoz, V. 1953. Vocabulario Usual, Vocabulario Común y
Vocabulario Fundamental. Madrid.
Based on a corpus of 400,000 words taken from private letters,
periodicals, ecclesiastical documents, governmental bulletins and
labour union publications, and best-selling novels.

Juilland, A. & Chang-Rodríguez, E. 1964. Frequency Dictionary of
Spanish Words. The Hague: Mouton & Co.
Based on a 500,000 word corpus derived from original prose texts
written in Peninsular Spanish and published between 1920 and 1940.

Alameda, J.R. & Cuetos, F. 1995. Diccionario de Frecuencias de las
Unidades Lingüísticas del Castellano, Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo
Based on a corpus of 2,000,000 words, comprising 606 written texts
published between 1978-1993 and taken from different literary genres,
such as novels (50%), press (25%) monographs (15%) and journal
articles (10%). Latin American texts make up about 10% of the total

Sebastián, N., Martí, M.A., Carreiras, M.F. & Cuetos, F. 2000. LEXESP,
Léxico Informatizado del Español. Barcelona: Ediciones de la
Universitat de Barcelona.

Almela, R, P Cantos, A Sánchez, R Sarmiento and M Almela. 2005.
Frecuencias del Español. Madrid: Editorial Universitas.
This list is available at

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