[language] interlanguage distances
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Mon Jun 9 14:49:48 UTC 2003
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Please find attached ms that describes how to measure distances between
languages using
Swadesh-like lists. The paper is in pdf format. I also attached the
Excel file that does some
computations. The paper was presented at the Qualico2003 conference in
Athens, GA
about a week ago.
For some reason, Framaker refuses to convert the equations on chi-square
section to
pdf. I tried several times. It is not really that important for this
paper since chi-square
test explanations can be found in many books. Until I track down the bug
that causes
this problem in Framemaker, the draft form has to suffice for those who
want to look
at the results.
Mark Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
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