[LAP] ICLAP 2018: titles of the abstracts, info about program and social activities

ICLAP 2018 iclap2018 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 10:27:36 UTC 2018

Dear registered participants of ICLAP 2018,

please note the followings:

1) Attached is an Excel file containing all titles that are going to be
included in the abstract book and the program (green for oral and yellow
for poster presentation). If you find that your abstract title is missing
or not falling in the right mode of presentation please report within 24
hours of this email.

2) The program of the conference will be finalized and shared by this
weekend. Have patience please! Many a things are to be sorted out.

3) Deadline for registering for social activities of the conference is now
over. The Reception and Recreation Committee is not considering further

Coordinator ICLAP 2018
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