[Lexicog] Sprachgef ühling über dem Verein

Chaz Mortensen - work chaz_mortensen at SIL.ORG
Tue Feb 24 14:54:44 UTC 2009

One expression that is used in Spanish is that a prolific goal-scorer  
has "olfato de gol", that is a sense of smell for goals. In English we  
would probably say "he has a nose for goals."


On Feb 24, 2009, at 6:48 AM, Fritz Goerling wrote:

> Scott,
> Thanks for your great list on expressions from sports.
> The ones with “instinct” catch what is expressed by “Ballgefühl”.  
> You have it or you don’t.
> As you mentioned “killer instinct” and “quick on the draw”, here is  
> a funny story from the Wild West:
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