LFG List - query on LIH

Joan Bresnan bresnan at Csli.Stanford.EDU
Wed Apr 1 17:26:47 UTC 1998

Hi, Dan.  The term `-stratal' is a specific reference to Ladusaw's
distinction between multistratal and multilevel theories:

William Ladusaw.  1988.  A Proposed Distinction between Levels and
Strata. Suk-Deuk Kim, ed. Linguistics in the Morning Calm 2. Seoul:
Hanshin. 37-51.  

Essentially, strata are stages of a derivation and levels are
nonderivationally related structures.  So your note below is
technically incorrect, and I think does not address Dick's point.

 > Note that monostratal theories do not necessarily rule out such
 > interactions (well, come to think of it, there are NO monostratal
 > theories, since they all must recognize at least input and output, or some
 > other (at least) bipartite split, such as F-structures and C-structures). 


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