LFG 2000

Christopher Manning cmanning at mail.usyd.edu.au
Tue Oct 12 00:57:01 UTC 1999

Dear everyone,

Just to try to help clarify the situation ...

It is not that the new program committee (me and Rachel) are in any way
opposed to workshops, and we would also encourage you to submit any
ideas you have to us (and sooner rather than later is always helpful).

However, it is worth noting that there are only 2 days of "LFG" at this
conference.  Our fear is that this conference could be more popular than
some (other things to combine it with, etc.), and therefore we will have
to make some difficult choices as to what to include.  That doesn't mean
that there won't be any workshops, just that we may well end up having
to decide "should we accept this workshop or those 6 talks?".  My guess
is that there will probably be one workshop, but equally, there could be
2 or 0.  We're just saying that we'd like to not make that decision
until we've seen what's on the table.

If you have workshop ideas, the other thing to consider is whether the
issues are really lfg-specific or whether they are general issues of
semantic interpretation, morphology/syntax interface, or whatever, which
might fit within the common day.  If so, we would encourage you to also
submit your workshop ideas to that.  It's meant to have a separate
selection committee that neither Rachel or I or on, and I'm not sure of
the exact membership, but in the first place you could probably write
	bfg2000 at linguistics.berkeley.edu


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