Eurolang Newsletter

Harold F. Schiffman haroldfs at
Fri Dec 2 13:53:21 UTC 2005

We include a brief summary of the latest articles published on Eurolang.

EU support for the Romanian Bill on National Minorities
Kolozsvr - Cluj - Klausenburg, 30/11/2005 by ron Ball

The European Union has urged Romania to adopt the Bill on the statute of
national minorities as a condition of Romanias EU entry. The Romanian
Government promised this would happen before January and representatives
of Romanias largest ethnic minority, the Hungarians, expect this no later
than March. Meanwhile, the Romanian opposition, as well as voices within
the ruling coalition, are opposed to the legislation as well as wanting to
exclude cultural autonomy from it.

L'occitan est langue constitutionnelle espagnole
Montpelhier, 29/11/2005 by Estve Crs

Le Parlement catalan a approuve, il y a peu, un nouveau statut qui ouvre
des perspectives tres interessantes pour la langue occitane. La France,
loin de s'ouvrir a la diversite culturelle et linguistique a l'intrieur de
ses frontieres, continue ne pas vouloir donner une reconnaissance
officielle aux langues historiques de son territoire et les minorise
chaque jour un peu plus.

Wanadoo discrimine les langues de l'Hexagone?
Montpelhier, 29/11/2005 by Estve Crs

 Les conversations dans les differentes patois (alsacien, breton,
provencal...) sont admises dans les salons geographiques adequats et
laissees l'appreciation des moderateurs NDLR: il ne faut pas que ce parler
noie le salon au detriment de la langue comprise des francophones: le
francais classique .  C'est ce que stipulent les conditions d'utilisations
du forum de discussion de Et ces recommandations figurent dans
le chapitre concernant l'interdiction des paroles racistes, sexistes et
titrees "Je suis respectueux de la dignite humaine et de la parole
d'autrui"  .

The European Commission calls for action to promote languages and launches
a new Web portal
Bruxelles - Brussel, 22/11/2005 von Davyth Hicks

The European Commission adopted its first ever Communication today on the
issue of multilingualism and linguistic diversity under the watchword: The
more languages you know, the more of a person you are.

Committee of the Regions takes the lead as Basque, Catalan and Galician
used in an EU institution
Bruxelles - Brussels, 18/11/2005 von Davyth Hicks

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) took the lead over other EU
institutions on Wednesday when President Peter Straub signed an agreement
with the Spanish Ambassador to the EU, Carlos Sages Bastarreche, approving
the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in an EU institution for the first
time. Basque MEP Jose Ortuondo and Catalan MEP Ignasi Guardans spoke to
Eurolang on the issue.

Davyth Hicks
davyth.hicks at

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