Connecticut: State Credits Heritage Language Schools

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Fri Jun 27 20:11:18 UTC 2008

Forwarded From: edling at


States credit foreign language study

For the past few years, Jola Bicki has dutifully brought her two sons
to the local Polish language school in New Britain, Conn., for 33
Saturday mornings. For their four-hour-a-week commitment, her boys
received no payback other than nurturing a link to their family's

"When other kids sleep or play or do different programs, I have to
drag my kids to school, and they didn't like it," said Bicki, who is
on the language school's Board of Directors. "I pay for school, they
study language and they get nothing."

But that's about to change, thanks in part to Polish Language School
Inc., where Bicki's sons studied. A new law, passed at the school's
urging, allows students who attend these heritage schools and pass a
language proficiency test to earn up to four elective credits toward
fulfilling the state's high school graduation requirement or credit
specifically toward a foreign language requirement.

Full story:

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