Zambia: Consider sign language in TV current affairs

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Fri Apr 3 14:11:06 UTC 2009

Consider sign language in TV current affairs - ASLIZ

Friday, April 3, 2009, 7:45 Health 35 views 6 comments The Association
of Sign Language Interpreters of Zambia (ASLIZ) says the absence of
sign language on some television (TV) stations has left most of the
deaf people vulnerable with current affairs. ASLIZ Executive Director,
Chipampe Ngulimba said there was need for the government to put in
place a policy that would ensure that sign language was always used on
every local programme on each TV station in the country. Ms Ngulimba
told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, that it was very important
that the deaf also followed current affairs, adding that the move
would enable them make decisions about issues affecting them in

She said if the policy was not put in place and  supported it would
hinder the deaf to equally contribute to the development of the
country. She added that ASLIZ has been fighting for this policy for a
very long time now, adding that it was time the policy was put in
place. The ASLIZ Executive Director said in as much as the government
has done much to accommodate the deaf, more still needs to be done for
the deaf. Ms Ngulimba added that it was very unfortunate that in some
other countries, the deaf have been completely sidelined because some
TV stations were not allowing people who understand sign language to
interpret issues for them.

She also urged government to consider including sign language in every
ministry and not just the Ministry of Community Development and Social
Services. The ASLIZ Executive Director also mentioned that there was
need to produce more sign language materials for teachers at schools
of the deaf in the country. She added that with enough materials for
the teachers they would be able to teach the deaf people properly. Ms
Ngulimba also said that most teachers who teach the deaf were
depending on the deaf themselves for more knowledge on sign language.

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