April 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Apr 1 17:37:46 UTC 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 19:07:34 UTC 2009
Messages: 170
- "In event of moon disaster" and other speeches our presidents never gave
Dennis Baron
- "Text 'M' for Murder"
Dennis Baron
- 2 Studies Suggest Just How Different International Faculty Members Are
Harold Schiffman
- <CTRL>, <ALT>, and especially <DELETE>: Proposed Cyberczar can't unplug the internet (but the president could)
Dennis Baron
- A few stories of interest
Francis Hult
- Among Child Care Options in Miami, Children Learn More in School-Based Pre-K
Harold Schiffman
- AN ACT to amend the state law, in relation to making English the official language of New York state
Harold Schiffman
- An M.A. in Facebook
Dennis Baron
- April 23 is Talk Like Shakespeare Day in Chicago, methinks
Dennis Baron
- Arizona: English-Language Learner Case Framed as Civil Rights Enforcement Issue Before Supreme Court
Harold Schiffman
- Arizona: Legal battle continues Monday over English Learner law
Harold Schiffman
- Arizona; http://socialistworker.org/2009/04/27/return-of-english-only-schools
Harold Schiffman
- Arizona case: Supreme Court doubful of progress on English-learners
Harold Schiffman
- At Risk in Sri Lanka's War
Harold Schiffman
- Australia: Women on front line of language preservation
Harold Schiffman
- Australian authors defend language
Anthea Fraser Gupta
- book notice: Discourse and Power in a Multilingual World: Blackledge
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Discourses on Language and Integration
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Dominant Languages: Grillo
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Immigration and Bureaucratic Control: C od ó
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Language, Culture and Identity
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Language Adaptation: Coulmas (Ed)
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Mapping Linguistic Diversity in Multicultural Contexts: Barni, Extra (Eds)
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Multilingual Europe: Extra, Gorter (Eds)
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: The Politics of Language in Chinese Education, 1895-1919
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: Translation goes to the Movies
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: World Englishes--Mesthrie Rajend; Bhatt, Rakesh M.
Harold Schiffman
- book notice: World Englishes: Wolf, Polzenhagen
Harold Schiffman
- Boston: Broken English immersion
Harold Schiffman
- Boston: English immersion, educational exclusion
Harold Schiffman
- California: Language Discrimination Bill Approved by Committee
Harold Schiffman
- California: Senator fielding hate messages over language bill
Harold Schiffman
- California: Skilled Healthcare to Pay Up to $450,000 for National Origin Discrimination
Harold Schiffman
Harold Schiffman
- California must embrace transformation and back the language bill
Harold Schiffman
- Call for contributions: Law, Language, and Discourse
Harold Schiffman
- Call for Contributions: Law, Language and Discourse
Harold Schiffman
- Calls: International Seminar on Creole Languages
Harold Schiffman
- Calls: New Challenges for Multilingualism in Europe
Harold Schiffman
- calls: New Research in Occitan Studies
Harold Schiffman
- Calls: Professionalising Multilingualism in Higher Education
Harold Schiffman
- Calls: The Formation of Regiolects in the Low Countries
Harold Schiffman
- Canada: Nunavut's promise still lost in translation
Harold Schiffman
- Canada: What are your 'fringe' political ideas?
Harold Schiffman
- Canada: What are your 'fringe' political ideas?
Anthea Fraser Gupta
- Canada: What are your 'fringe' political ideas?
Ronald Kephart
- Canada: What are your 'fringe' political ideas?
Robert Lawless
- Canada: What are your 'fringe' political ideas?
Anthea Fraser Gupta
- Canada: Why should Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall learn French?
Harold Schiffman
- Catalan delegate tells Welsh MPs language legislatio n needn ’t hit businesses
Harold Schiffman
- Catalan delegate tells Welsh MPs language legislatio n needn ’t hit businesses
Stan Anonby
- CFP: Boston University Conference on Language Development
Harold Schiffman
- Clarification on the subect of uneducated families and Noncomplex language
Harold Schiffman
- Denmark: Businesses called on to protect language
Harold Schiffman
- Dissertation: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Regional French of Normandy
Harold Schiffman
- dissertation: St. Lucian Kw éyòl in St. Croix: A st udy of language choice and attitudes
Harold Schiffman
- Does Arizona's system serve? After 17 years, Flores English suit goes to high court
Harold Schiffman
- East Timor: Letting go of Indonesian: The choice of Tetum and Portuguese as national languages presents challenges to the new nation
Harold Schiffman
- Endangered Languages: Reality and Publicity
Harold Schiffman
- EU: Combining foreign-language learning and football training
Harold Schiffman
- Eurolang. New administrations set to dismantle Basque and Galician language policy
Davyth Hicks
- Europe must deliver a common immigration policy, MEPs say
Harold Schiffman
- French academic who waged war on English language dies
Harold Schiffman
Rusiko Amirejibi-Mullen
- Getting Serious About Improving Hispanic Children's Chances
Harold Schiffman
- Gujarat University to launch courses in 7 international languages
Harold Schiffman
- Hong Kong: School language policy 'student-centric'
Harold Schiffman
- I Don ¹t Do ŒDo¹
Ronald Kephart
- I Don ¹t Do ŒDo¹
Ronald Kephart
- I Don ¹t Do ŒDo¹
Robert Lawless
- I Don ’t Do ‘Do’
Harold Schiffman
- In Defense of Common English
Harold Schiffman
- India: Credit Cards Under Discredit
Harold Schiffman
- India: High Court to Government: Follow court order on language policy
Harold Schiffman
- India: You can now learn French, German in Tamil
Harold Schiffman
- India: You can now learn French, German in Tamil
Don Osborn
- Indigenous language courts South Africa
Harold Schiffman
- Indonesia: The language ecology perspective
Harold Schiffman
- Japan:
Harold Schiffman
- Japan: 'Golden parachutes' mark failure of race-based policy
Harold Schiffman
- Japan Pays Foreign Workers to Go Home
Harold Schiffman
- Jobs: Language and Culture Policy: Rank Open, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Harold Schiffman
- Jordan Opens Chinese Language-learning Confucius Institute
Harold Schiffman
- Kazakhstan: State language – attribute of sovereig nty (Interview with Ukrainian ambassador)
Harold Schiffman
- Korea: English fever takes hold of pre-school education
Harold Schiffman
- Language, Greenberg, and the International Financial Collapse
Harold Schiffman
- Language, identity and education policy in Spain ’s Basque country: Part 1
Harold Schiffman
- Language, identity and education policy in Spain ’s Basque country: Part 2
Harold Schiffman
- Language/localization in Tanzania's ICT policy
Don Osborn
- Language a massive barrier for new New Zealand immigrants
Harold Schiffman
- Language Liability: the Story of Pedro Gonzalez
Harold Schiffman
- Latinos ’ lack of knowledge barrier in use of VoIP technology
Harold Schiffman
- Law would ban California businesses from language discrimination
Harold Schiffman
- Learning Tibetan language no longer a privilege for a few
Harold Schiffman
- Link to recommendations for using stimulus funds to benefit bilinguals in US public education
Harold Schiffman
- Maine's Growing Hispanic Community Takes Root
Harold Schiffman
- Malaysia: English: An outsider's perspective
Harold Schiffman
- Malaysia: Language Tussle
Harold Schiffman
- Massachusetts:
Harold Schiffman
- Massachusetts: How Are Boston's ELLs Faring Under Sheltered Immersion?
Harold Schiffman
- Minnesota: Indian leaders, lawmakers try to save languages
Harold Schiffman
- Mobile phones & language (RE: ETS and Nokia to Create New Ways of Learning English)
Don Osborn
- Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage - Part 14 - My personal Opinion
Harold Schiffman
- Multilingual Chicago Speaks
Harold Schiffman
- Must-Read Book: Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Harold Schiffman
- NEH Preservation and Access Research and Grants
Harold Schiffman
- New Brunswick: Government sets language policy for employees
Harold Schiffman
- New Brunswick: Group says government's decision on language use in the public sector doesn't go far enough
Harold Schiffman
- New Co-editor for Studies in Bilingualism
Harold Schiffman
Harold Schiffman
- New York: Learning Another Language
Harold Schiffman
- New York: One Oath Leads to Another
Harold Schiffman
- New Zealand: Bus company tells staff to speak English only
Harold Schiffman
- New Zealand: Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia condemns bus firm's English policy
Harold Schiffman
- New Zealand: Spam Journalism
Harold Schiffman
- New Zealand: Store's English policy 'a disgrace'
Harold Schiffman
- New Zealand: Supermarket under fire for English only rule Published: 6:03PM Thursday April 02, 2009
Harold Schiffman
- Northern Ireland:
Harold Schiffman
- Now available: "Language, Emotion, and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mother Tongue (Contemporary Indian Studies)" by Lisa Mitchell on Amazon.com
Harold Schiffman
- NY Gunman Angry Over Poor English Skills, Job Loss
Dennis Baron
- Oklahoma English bill faces language change
Harold Schiffman
- Overcoming Language Barriers in Health Care Interactions
Harold Schiffman
- Peter Martin's passing
Harold Schiffman
- Peter Martin's passing
Harold Schiffman
- Peter Martin's passing
Damien Hall
- Peter Martin's passing
Garcia, Ofelia
- Pluralism as a policy paradigm
Harold Schiffman
- Poster Peoples of the world
Harold Schiffman
- President of Sri Lanka Orders Halt in Fighting
Harold Schiffman
- Presidents of Asian Universities Call for More International Partnerships
Harold Schiffman
- Professionalising Multilingualism, Conference 2010
Harold Schiffman
- Rhode Island: Dispute ‘brewing’ over employee En glish-only policy at local shop
Harold Schiffman
- Rules allowing former English language learners extra help don't pass test, say education critics
Harold Schiffman
- Russia: Protesters rally in Bashkortostan to save language education
Harold Schiffman
- Save the Date -- Hawaii Language Access Conference -- September 28-29, 2009
Harold Schiffman
- Scott's Vocab: an interesting list of new vocabulary in the news
Harold Schiffman
- Singapore: Here to learn Mandarin
Harold Schiffman
- Singapore: Rhetoric from Kuala Lumpur not official stance
Harold Schiffman
- South Africa: Language policy case appealed
Harold Schiffman
- South Africa: School language issue goes to top court
Harold Schiffman
- South Koreans Spend Record Sum on Education; Increase due in part to private teaching including English-language learning
Harold Schiffman
- Spain: New administrations set to dismantle Basque and Galician language policy
Harold Schiffman
- Speaking the Same Language: Medical Providers Struggle to Communicate With Immigrant Patients
Harold Schiffman
- Sri Lanka:
Harold Schiffman
- Sri Lanka: Language key to harmony
Harold Schiffman
- Sri Lanka: Language policy my main concern - Muralitharan
Harold Schiffman
- Supreme Court damns expletives on the air, fleeting or repeated, once and for all, at least for now
Dennis Baron
- Sweden promises to do more for national minority languages
Harold Schiffman
- Sydney School Leads Efforts to Revive Lost Aboriginal Language
Harold Schiffman
- Tamil National Struggle in Sri Lanka -Where did it go wrong? Part I
Harold Schiffman
- Tentative agreement between Armenia and Turkey on road map to normalize ties
Harold Schiffman
- The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools
Harold Schiffman
- The Elements of Style turns 50. If you're celebrating, make sure to use the active voice
Dennis Baron
- TOC: International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol 2009, No 195 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol 2009, No 196-197 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: Journal of Language and Politics Vol 8, No 1 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: Language in Society Vol 38, No 1 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: Language in Society Vol 38, No 2 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: Language Policy, Vol. 8, No. 2 / May 2009
Harold Schiffman
- TOC: Language Variation and Change Vol 21, No 1 (2009)
Harold Schiffman
- Turkey, Armenia agree on road map to normalize ties
Harold Schiffman
- UK: MPs' questions on language laws
Harold Schiffman
- Ulster: 'Divisive' language policy adopted at council
Harold Schiffman
- Uneducated families = Noncomplex language?
Harold Schiffman
- US: Interstate Group Works to Draw More Minorities Into Health Professions
Harold Schiffman
- US: Justices Spar Over Funding Mandates for English-Deficient Students
Harold Schiffman
- US Supreme Court to Decide Extent of Federal Court Control over Education
Harold Schiffman
- Wales: Time to make languages really count
Harold Schiffman
- YouTube Video about Language Choice in Chinese Rap
Harold Schiffman
- Zambia: Consider sign language in TV current affairs
Harold Schiffman
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 19:07:34 UTC 2009
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:11:04 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).