calls: New Research in Occitan Studies

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Mon Apr 20 12:37:00 UTC 2009

New Research in Occitan Studies

New Research in Occitan Studies
Short Title: nouvelles recherches oc

Date: 11-Jun-2009 - 12-Jun-2009
Location: Albi, France
Contact: Aurelie Joubert
Contact Email:
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Subject Language(s): Gascon (gsc)
Auvergnat (auv)
Limousin (lms)
Languedocien (lnc)
Old Provençal (pro)

Meeting Description:

The 1st International Postgraduate Conference on New Research in Occitan

Centre Universitaire Jean-François Champollion, Albi
11- 12 June 2009

In the context of the increasingly diverse and interdisciplinary nature of
research on Occitan language and culture, researchers dealing with any aspects
of Occitan linguistics are invited to attend this two-day conference
in order to
share ideas and exchange methods with fellow young researchers in
Occitan studies.

The conference aims to provide an interactive forum where constructive
discussions between postgraduates and established scholars can encourage
collaborative projects and identify new areas of research. Contributions on all
aspects of Occitan language and culture will be presented, on topics such as
linguistics, history, literature, sociology, musicology, and ethnography.

The plenary talks will be given by:

Philippe Martel (Researcher C.N.R.S., University Paul Valéry, Montpellier)
Jean-Pierre Chambon (Professor, University Paris Sorbonne, Paris IV)

To find more information including the pre-programme and the list of
abstracts, please visit:

Attendance to the conference in 20 Euros (to be paid on the first of the
conference). You are kindly asked to fill in a registration form available to
download from:

You can send the registration form or ask a question to the conference mail

Or by post to:
Centre Universitaire Jean-François Champollion
Xavier Bach (colloque nouvelle recherche en domaine occitan)
Place de Verdun

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Albi.

The organising committee:

Xavier Bach, Université Toulouse II et Centre Universitaire J.F. Champollion
Céline Baquié, Université Paris IV (modern literature).
Pierre-Joan Bernard, Université Lyon III et Toulouse II (archival
science/mediaeval history).
Louise Esher, University of Oxford (linguistics).
Aurélie Joubert, University of Manchester (sociolinguistics).
Aurélia Lassaque, Université Montpellier III (modern literature).
Paolo di Luca, Università di Napoli (mediaeval literature)
Olitiana Martin, Università Toulouse II (Linguistics)
Elodie de Oliveira, Université Paris IV (linguistics/modern literature).
Marjolaine Raguin, Università Montpellier III (mediaeval literature)
Joan Thomàs, Université Toulouse II et Centre Universitaire Jean-François
Champollion d'Albi).

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