[lg policy] fyi: Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 22 14:54:37 UTC 2010

 Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography

The Institute for German Language in Mannheim is working in a Online
Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography (OBELEX) which is available at
www.owid.de/obelex/engl and may be of interest to linguists. In OBELEX, the
research contributions from this field are consolidated and are searchable
by different criteria. OBELEX includes all relevant articles, monographs,
anthologies and reviews since 2000 with respect to electronic lexicography,
and some older relevant works. Our particular focus is on works about
online lexicography. While information on dictionaries is not included in
OBELEX, we are working on a database which contains information on online
dictionaries as a supplement to OBELEX.

All metalexicographic entries of OBELEX are stored in a database. Thus, all
parts of the bibliographic entry (such as person, title, publication or
year) are searchable. Furthermore, all publications are associated with our
keyword list; therefore, a thematic search is also possible. The subject
language is also noted. For example, it is possible to search for all
metalexicographic works from the field of ''online lexicography'' that deal
with online dictionaries in ''Spanish'' (from a metalexicographic point of
view). Altogether with OBELEX, we hope to provide an extensive service for
all researchers focused on digital lexicography and dictionary research.

If you have suggestions for enlarging OBELEX, we would appreciate to
receive an email with the usual bibliographic information (author, year,
title, published in: pages, if necessary library location/URL) to
obelexids-mannheim.de! If you have own publications to include in OBELEX
it would be very kind if you can additionally send us an abstract.

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(H. Schiffman, Moderator)

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