[lg policy] Fwd: British Academy Annual Lecture, 23 February 2011

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at CANTAB.NET
Mon Jan 10 10:22:34 UTC 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	British Academy Annual Lecture, 23 February 2011
Date: 	Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:50:03 +0000
From: 	British Academy <britishacademy at email.britac.ac.uk>
Reply-To: 	British Academy <britishacademy at email.britac.ac.uk>



/*Language diversity, endangerment, and public awareness*

*Professor David Crystal, OBE, FBA
*University of Bangor ***

*Wednesday, 23 February 2011*
*5.30pm - 6.30pm, followed by a drinks reception *
*The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, **London, SW1Y 5AH**

*Free Admittance*

Despite a number of events in recent years devoted to language 
diversity, language endangerment, and multilingualism, such as the 
International Year of Languages in 2008, public awareness of the issues 
is still remarkably limited. Only one in four of the population know 
that half the languages of the world are so seriously endangered that 
they are unlikely to survive the present century.

This paper reflects on why the ecolinguisic crisis has made so little 
impact on public consciousness, despite a great deal of effort by 
academic authors. A renewed plea is made for the greater involvement of 
the arts, in the broadest sense, in getting the issues across to the 
general public, and especially to young people at home and in school. 
Some progress has been made over the past decade, especially in the 
worlds of radio, television, and cinema, but artists have generally 
ignored global linguistic themes.

Three specific recommendations are made. Artworks on the theme of 
language diversity and endangerment need to be regularly commissioned. A 
major award at Nobel level needs to be instituted. And countries need to 
build Houses of Languages.

*About the speaker*
David Crystal is honorary professor of linguistics at the University of 
Bangor. Well known for his writing on a wide range of subject-areas in 
language and linguistics, the background to this lecture is treated in 
/Language Death/ (Cambridge University Press, 2001). He delivered 
keynote speeches to the UNESCO International Expert Meeting on 
Endangered Languages in 2003, the Barcelona Linguapax Forum in 2004, the 
Dialogue of Cultures conference at Reykjavik in 2005, and a UNESCOCat 
linguistic forum in 2007, and the above lecture is a synthesis and 
updating of their various elements.

*British Academy Annual Lecture*
The annual keynote British Academy Lecture was established to mark the 
Academy?s move to new headquarters in Carlton House Terrace in 1998. The 
lecture is intended to address a wide audience and advance public 
understanding of the subjects which the Academy promotes. In general, 
the chosen subject alternates between the humanities and social sciences.

*A poster for your notice board can be downloaded here: 

Attendance is free and registration is not required for this event. 
Seats will be allocated on arrival. Please visit our website 
for full details of our forthcoming events.

The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH Tel: 
020 7969 5200, Fax: 020 7969 5300, Web: www.britac.ac.uk 



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