[lg policy] FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC)

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 27 14:11:09 UTC 2011

Forwarded From: CARLA <carla at umn.edu>
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 5:00 PM
 FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference on Cultures and Languages Across the

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*Please Post/Distribute**News about Second Language Education and Research
at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.*
        SIXTH ANNUAL CLAC CONFERENCE *Exploring Approaches to *
*Cultures & Languages Across the Curriculum*

[image: CLAC Logo]

*March 9-10, 2012*
*The University Hotel Minneapolis*
*Minneapolis, MN*

*Deadline: September 30, 2011*

The 6th annual conference on *Cultures and Languages Across the
Curriculum*(CLAC) provides an opportunity for faculty, graduate
instructors, and
administrators to share expertise in building and managing post-secondary
CLAC programs. The conference theme will address the practical issues
related to developing successful pedagogical models for the CLAC classroom.
Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum*

The CLAC movement intends to make global competence a reality for students
and to create alliances among educators to share practices and methods for
incorporating an international dimension in curricula, and, more generally,
to achieve internationalization goals. General principles of CLAC include:

   - A focus on communication and content;
   - An emphasis on developing meaningful content-focused language use
   outside traditional language classes;
   - An approach to language use and cross-cultural skills as a means for
   the achievement of global intellectual synthesis, in which students learn to
   combine and interpret knowledge produced in other languages and in other

Within this large framework, CLAC can take many forms, depending on specific
content and curricular goals within a discipline.  For more information on
CLAC, visit the CLAC Consortium website:
Conference Themes*

A specific focus of the 6th annual conference on Cultures and Languages
Across the Curriculum will be on presenting and discussing a variety of
models and points of focus for CLAC programs at the post-secondary level. We
aim to engage seasoned CLAC practitioners, those in the process of
implementing programs, and prospective CLAC program developers in a dialogue
to share ideas and best practices in our evolving and unique field of
education for global citizens. CLAC attendees generally come to the
conference eager to learn more about how CLAC programs are implemented at
other institutions. CLAC 2012 will provide an opportunity for more extended
discussions examining design and delivery of a CLAC curriculum.

We invite proposals for papers (30 min presentation, including10 min Q&A) or
panels (presentation for 60 min total + 30 min Q&A) or poster presentations
on any issue relating to CLAC, although the following topics are of
particular interest:

   - CLAC course design (syllabi, classroom activities, lesson plans).
   - Innovative CLAC programs.
   - Focus on development of advanced translingual and transcultural
   - Evaluation and assessment.
   - Incorporating technology in CLAC.
   - Theoretical frameworks for a successful CLAC program.

Proposal Information

Proposals should be submitted online.  *All proposals must include: *

   1. *Type*: Presentation (30 minutes, including 10 minutes for open
   discussion), Panel (90 minutes, including at least two separate papers and
   at least 30 minutes for questions and comments from the audience), or Poster

   2. *Title* (of your paper, panel, or poster)
   3. *Brief Description* (75-100 words)
   4. *Relationship to Conference Themes* (how your proposal relates to the
   conference themes)
   5. *Target Audience(s)* (including what the audience(s) can expect to
   “take away” from your presentation)
   6. *An abstract (500 words)* of your paper, panel or poster, clearly
   indicating what each presenter, if more than one, will contribute.
   7. *A list of technical needs. **Note:** **Conference organizers will
   provide a data projector and screen for all presentation. Presenters are
   asked to bring their own laptop computers.*
   8. *Names of Presenter(s)* (including, as appropriate, specification of
   their roles, contact information for each; titles and affiliations, email
   addresses, telephone and fax numbers)
   9. *Brief biographical sketch* (50-75 words) for each participant

 *Note: *The conference organizers welcome and encourage proposals for
posters and for creative presentations that do not take the form of a
traditional paper or panel. This might include videos, examples of CLAC
assignments and exercises, or testimonials from student and faculty CLAC
participants. Prospective presenters are particularly encouraged to consider
a poster format because of the opportunity they provide for extended
discussion and networking. For proposals of this variety, please submit the
same information listed above.

*To submit your proposal online:*

Additional Conference Information

The CLAC Conference will begin with the opening plenary on Friday, March 9
at 1 p.m.  The final plenary will end on Saturday, March 10 at 4:30 p.m.
Pre-conference workshops are Friday morning from 9 - 11:30 a.m.

Full conference registration includes all conference materials, plenaries
and paper sessions, reception on Friday night (with cash bar), and lunch on
Saturday. The conference registration fee does not include admittance to
pre-conference workshops.

   - $100  Early bird registration fee (Must register on or before 1/19/12)
   - $150  Regular registration fee (Must register on or before 3/1/12)
   - $180  Late registration (Registrations on or after 3/2/12)
   - Graduate students may register for half price with proof of student
   - Pre-conference workshop options on Friday morning will be available for
   an additional $50.
   - Online registration will be available by Nov. 1st.
   - A block of rooms has been reserved at the hotel ($129/single or double,
   plus tax). To reserve a room call the hotel directly at (612) 379-8888 or
   (800) 822-6757 and mention the name of the conference in order to receive
   the special rate. Online booking will be available later this fall. Please
   note that the block will be released on 2/9/12.

*More information will soon be available at:*

*The 6th annual conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum
is sponsored by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
(CARLA) at the University of Minnesota.  CARLA is a Title VI Resource Center
funded by the U.S. Department of Education.  The conference is cosponsored
by the institutional members of the CLAC Consortium: Baldwin-Wallace
College, Binghamton University-SUNY, Drake University, Portland State
University, Skidmore College, University of Iowa, University of Minnesota,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Richmond, and
Wittenberg University. *

Our apologies for cross-posting!

        [image: graphic - colored bar]

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the
University of Minnesota houses one of several Title VI Language Resource
Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education to improve the nation's
capacity to teach and learn foreign languages effectively. CARLA supports a
number of coordinated programs of research, training, development and
dissemination of information relating to second language teaching and

CARLA emails are designed to give second language teachers and researchers
current information on the programs and projects currently operating under
the auspices of CARLA. You are also invited to visit the CARLA website at
For more information about all the Title VI Language Resource Centers, visit
our joint site at

We hope that you enjoy receiving periodic updates from CARLA. We encourage
you to share this email with colleagues who may be interested.  Anyone can
sign up to receive updates from CARLA at
.* If you would like us to take you off the list*, please e-mail the center
at carla at umn.edu.

       Elaine Tarone, CARLA Director
       Karin Larson, Coordinator

      [image: graphic - colored bar]
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN
 © 2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer
Last modified: Friday, 9-September-2011.
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and implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owner or
sponsor of the list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members who
disagree with a message are encouraged to post a rebuttal, and to write
directly to the original sender of any offensive message.  A copy of this
may be forwarded to this list as well.  (H. Schiffman, Moderator)

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