[lg policy] Malta: Policy underlines importance of both Maltese and English for schoolchildren

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 15:26:21 UTC 2016

Policy underlines importance of both Maltese and English for schoolchildren

All children under the age of seven should have equal opportunities to
develop and practice Maltese and English equally, according to a language
policy launched today.

Unveiled today after a consultation process in the past months, the policy
– A Language Policy for the Early Years in Malta and Gozo - stipulates that
educators and parents should promote the use of both languages equally.

The new policy was launched by Education Minister Evarist Bartolo to mark
the European Day of Languages.

It is aimed at those in early years education, which include children in
the first years of non-compulsory schooling (childcare centres, Kinder 1
and Kinder 2) and to the first two years of compulsory schooling (Year 1
and Year 2).

The language policy document was prepared by a group of practitioners and
experts and following wide consultation with parents, teachers and the
general public. Similar policies for the other years are to follow, the
Minister said.

Providing students with an early start in language learning is essential
for young children to gain appropriate levels of competence and for shaping
children’s overall progress, the policy shows.

This would also enable learning to take place over a longer period,
ensuring more permanent results in language learning and an enhanced
capacity to learn languages.”

Teachers must also identify those students - including migrants who might
not have been exposed to the languages before settling here - struggling in
either of the two languages and offer necessary support, the policy states.

For the programme to be effective, the document also points to the
importance of offering educators with the adequate training. This should
include equipping them with the knowledge and skills to design and deliver
a programme that effectively addresses the needs of the young children.

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