[Linganth] DonateNow

P. Kerim Friedman kerim.list at oxus.net
Sun Oct 31 12:43:24 UTC 2004

Please distribute widely.

As the 4,000 locked out workers in California go on unemployment pay,
their worker's strike funds are running out. Please donate some money
to help the workers through the holiday season. You can donate online
directly to the union's "solidarity fund":


Or, if you prefer, to the Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
(CLUE) "worker hardship fund":


CLUE is also looking for a few thousand Turkeys to help the workers
through the holiday season:


AAAUnite's sister organization, picketaaa.org <http://picketaaa.org>,
is keeping a running tally of AAA member donations. If you feel
comfortable, please email them with the amount of your contribution:

<picket73 at picketaaa.org>

P. Kerim Friedman
AAAUnite Ad Hoc Committee

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