[Linganth] Fwd: For SLA members who want space in SF

P. Kerim Friedman kerim.list at oxus.net
Sun Oct 31 23:18:11 UTC 2004

Begin forwarded message:

>  I understand that SLA is going to Atlanta.  However, for any of your
> members seeking to run a session or meeting in San Francisco, can you
> pass along this information?
>  Council on Anthropology and Education has reserved space for its
> sessions at the union-friendly Canterbury Hotel on Sutter near Union
> Square November 17-21.  We invite other sections to join us ... and/or
> to reserve a hotel room at the "CAE" rate of $109 if seeking to stay
> in SF.  Contact Katie Anderson-Levitt, CAE Program Chair, for more
> information about meeting space:  katieal at umd.umich.edu.
>  DIRECT: 1-415-486-5159 (direct line to Christine Daley, Reservations
> Manager, who is handling CAE reservations, 8am-5pm PT, M-F)
>  TOLL-FREE: 1-800-227-4788 (8am-5pm PT, M-F)
>  NOTE: after 5pm and on weekends calls are forwarded to Best Western
> International, and they may not be able to help you with the special
> rate.
>  Best Western Canterbury Hotel Union Square
>  750 Sutter Street
>  San Francisco, California 94109-6498
>  Telephone: 1-415-474-6464
>  Fax: 1-415-474-0831
> reservations at canterbury-hotel.com
>  Thanks very much,
>  Katie
> --
> Kathryn (Katie) Anderson-Levitt
> Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
> Professor of Anthropology
> University of Michigan-Dearborn
> Dearborn, MI  48128-1491  USA
> katieal at umd.umich.edu
> 313.593.5490 fax: 313.593.5552

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