Oh no! -- wikipedia on sociolinguistics

GABRIELLA MODAN modan.1 at osu.edu
Fri Jan 19 22:38:09 UTC 2007

I've just been looking at the Wikipedia entry on sociolinguistics, and it's kind of a disaster. It could really stand some editing and bringing up-to-date. For example:

the gender section is a list of differences between men's and women's speech

the definition of code-switching is "the use of different varieties of language in different social situations"

there's lots of mishmashed ideas like that sociolinguistics is the study of external language, or that "Labov specifies the ideal sociolinguistic variable to be high in frequency".

In my ideal universe I would be editing the page myself, but back on this planet I figured I'd at least mention it here in case anyone has some time to kill for a worthy cause.



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