csas conference info as promised

Harriet Ottenheimer mahafan at KSU.EDU
Mon Nov 19 21:28:00 UTC 2012


At the session on history and linguistic anthropology in San Francisco 
last week I promised to send information to the linganth list regarding 
the upcoming Central States Anthropological Society (CSAS) conference.  
I have pasted a general announcement below.

Important details to note:
      the conference is April 4-6, 2013 in St. Louis (at the Crowne 
Plaza Hotel)
      the pre-registration and abstract deadline is December 7, 2012
      the websites for pre-registering and submitting an abstract are at:

I hope to see as many of you as possible in St. Louis.  CSAS is still a 
four-field association and puts on a great "small" conference.  It would 
be an excellent venue for the next panel on history and linguistic 

Additional details are below.

Harriet Ottenheimer


The Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society will be 
held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, April 4-6, 2013. 
Faculty, students, independent scholars, and practitioners are 
encouraged to attend and enjoy papers, posters, organized sessions, 
workshops and roundtables in all four fields of anthropology, as well as 
applied. The annual CSAS conference is student-friendly and features a 
paper competition for both undergraduate and graduate students. It also 
offers an opportunity for anthropologists from throughout the central 
states, from institutions large and small, to meet, talk, and network. 
The 2013 conference will be hosted by the University of Missouri, St. 
Louis' Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Languages 
<http://www.umsl.edu/divisions/artscience/anthro/>, and most of the 
events will be held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel 
located in downtown St. Louis.

The conference will feature a distinguished lecture by Dr. Pascal Boyer, 
the Henry Luce Professor of Individual and Collective Memory at 
Washington University, St. Louis. Boyer is a leading scholar on memory 
systems, the evolution of culture, cognition, and religion.

Online registration is available, or you can register on site. Online 
registration rates: CSAS regular member: $70; CSAS student member: $30; 
non-member: $90; student non-member: $40. To register online, visit the 
CSAS Web site (http://www.aaanet.org/sections/csas/ ) and click the 
Annual Meeting tab. On-site registration rates are: CSAS regular member: 
$90; CSAS student member: $40; non-member: $110; student non-member: $50.

If you have questions about registering for the conference, please 
contact Bill Guinee, Program Chair, at bill.guinee at westminster-mo.edu or 
(573) 592-5326; or Harriet Ottenheimer, CSAS Secretary-Treasurer, at 
mahafan at ksu.edu <mailto:mahafan at ksu.edu> or (785-532-9902).

Travel and lodging information:

St. Louis is located on I-70, within easy driving distance of much of 
the Midwest. Driving directions and information about air or bus travel 
are available on the Crowne Plaza Hotel web site 

We have blocked guest rooms at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 200 North 4th 
Street in downtown St. Louis near the St. Louis Arch. Reservations can 
be made by phone (1 800 593 5447); be sure to mention the Central States 
Anthropological Society (hotel code: CAS) when making reservations. 
Standard conference room rates (not including tax) are $115 ($89 for 
Students), and include free internet. Self parking is available for $5 a 
night.Conference hotel reservation rates are available through March 8, 

If the Crowne Plaza is full or you would rather stay elsewhere, there is 
a very good selection of hotels nearby 
have not, however, established conference rates at these hotels.



92nd Anniversary Central States Anthropological Society Conference
April 4-6, 2013 -- Crowne Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, MO
Abstract submission deadline December 7, 2012

For the most up-to-date conference information go to:

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