[Linganth] 2nd CfP - 60th Annual ILA Conference--Deadline extended to 1-31!

Kleifgen, JoAnne Kleifgen at exchange.tc.columbia.edu
Tue Jan 20 17:22:43 UTC 2015

Dear Linganth members,
Below is our seconf Call for Papers for the 60th Annual Conference of the

Please note our plenary speakers: Ellen Bialystok, William Labov, Ray
McDermott, and Jacob Mey. A special *WORD* Global Roundtable simulcast will
include Michael Halliday,  Ruqayia Hasan and Jonathan J. Webster speaking
from Beijing Normal University.

 Please submit your proposals and share with colleagues!

Jo Anne Kleifgen, President, ILA
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Education
Teachers College, Columbia University

*60th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic AssociationTeachers
College, Columbia University, April 24-26, 2015*

*Extended Deadline!  Saturday, January 31, 2015Theme: Linguistics and
Education - Honoring Franklin E. Horowitz*

On the occasion of the 60th Annual Conference of the International
Linguistic Association, we pay special tribute to Franklin Horowitz, who
has been an active and dedicated member of the ILA from its earliest years,
serving both as an ongoing member of the Executive Board and as ILA's
president from 1999 to 2002. A professor of linguistics at Teachers
College, Columbia University for over 35 years, Frank’s enthusiasm for
language inspired legions of students, who continue the work of teaching
linguistics to their own students around the world. His influence has been
enormous, both as a leader of the ILA and as a teacher. Thus, this year’s
theme reflects the mark he has left on those who have worked with and
learned from him.

*Plenary Speakers*
Ellen Bialystok, York University
William Labov, University of Pennsylvania
Raymond McDermott, Stanford University
Jacob Mey, University of Southern Denmark

*Invited Panels*
*WORD Global Roundtable.* On the occasion of the re-launch of WORD, journal
of the ILA, Teachers College, Columbia University and Beijing Normal
University will host a simulcast roundtable co-chaired by WORD's managing
editor Jonathan J. Webster and ILA's president, Jo Anne Kleifgen. Our
panelists will be Sheila Embleton, Michael Halliday, Ruqayia Hasan, William
Labov, and Jacob Mey.

*Rethinking the Relationship between Linguistics and Education*. Betsy
Rymes, Andrea Leone, Mark Lewis, Robert Moore and Nelson Flores of the
University of Pennsylvania's Graduate school of Education, will explore
themes in language research in education.

*Workshops for Teachers*
*The Writer's Sentence: From Casual to Formal Writing*. Alice Deakins of
William Paterson University and colleagues will present four increasingly
complex levels of the English sentence, including both grammatical
conventions and stylistic power. At each level, the structure of the
sentence will be discussed followed by practice in a game format.

Having Fun with Words. Kate Parry of Hunter College, CUNY and colleagues
will focus on the problem of learning infrequently encountered vocabulary.
Participants will engage in games or exercises requiring interactive
discussion about the selected words. Materials that teachers can use with
their students will be provided.

*Call for Papers* *-- Deadline, January 31, 2015*
We invite papers related to the various subfields of linguistics as they
are applied to education. The influence of linguistics on education is
wide-ranging. It encompasses the teaching of second and foreign languages;
the education of emergent bilinguals and speakers of various dialects;
educating for language awareness, linguistic diversity, and equity;
research on language and the Internet; language planning and policy
studies; the critique of political and media discourse; and the
revitalization of indigenous and endangered languages. The ILA invites
submissions that explore these and other connections between linguistics
and education.
Topics that might be addressed under this theme:
•    Methods for teaching linguistic structures
•    Second and foreign language instruction
•    Dialects, diversity, and language awareness
•    Bi/multilingualism and education
•    Indigenous education and language revitalization
•    Linguistics in teacher education
•    Literacy and writing systems
•    Digital literacies
•    Language planning and policy
•    Language, power, and ideology
•    Classroom Discourse
In keeping with the ILA tradition, we also welcome proposals that treat
other areas of linguistics.

*Guidelines for Proposals*
The ILA program committee welcomes the submission of individual papers and
posters. A paper or poster abstract of up to 400 words is required.
Proposals will be blind reviewed for quality and originality. Submissions
should mainly contain new material and must not have been published
previously in order to be considered.

Email all proposals in a MSWord (.doc, .docx) file and use “ILA2015” in the
subject line to Annika Wendt, Conference Coordinator at awendt at ilaword.org
by Jan 31, 2015. Proposal acceptances will be sent by February 15, 2015.
The authors whose papers or posters have been accepted must register before
the March 20 registration deadline in order to be included in the
Conference Program.

Proposal deadline: Saturday, January 31, 2015
Notification of acceptance: Sunday, February 15, 2015
Registration requirement: Presenters’ registration fees must be received by
March 20, 2015.

Send proposals to: Annika Wendt, Coordinator at awendt at ilaword.org
Send inquiries to one of the Co-Chairs: Jo Anne Kleifgen, jk217 at columbia.edu
or Shoba Bandi-Rao, sbandirao at bmcc.cuny.edu
To learn more about the ILA, go to: www.ilaword.org

*Conference Registration Information*
*Pre-Registration fees (received by March 20)*
ILA Members
•    Regular: $200 (conference fee for paid-up 2015 members)
•    Graduate Student/Retiree $100 (conference fee for paid-up 2015 members)
Non-ILA Members
•    Regular: $260 (includes conference fee & $60 membership + WORD
•    Grad Student/Retiree: $130 (includes conference fee & $30 membership +
WORD subscription)
*Registration fees after March 20 and on-site:*
ILA Members
•    Regular: $250 (conference fee for paid-up 2015 members)
•    Grad Student/Retiree $130 (conference fee for paid-up 2015 GS/R
Non-ILA Members
•    Regular: $310 (conference fee + $60 membership with WORD subscription)
•    Grad Student/Retiree: $160 (conference fee & $30 membership + WORD
•    Undergrad Students: $30 (conference fee only; payment on-site with
*One-day registration (on-site):*
•    Members and Non-Members: $100
•    Students and Retirees: $75
•    K-12 Teachers: $60

Jo Anne Kleifgen, Professor Emerita, Linguistics and Education
Teachers College, Columbia University

525 W. 120th St.
Box 211
New York, NY 10027
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