[Linganth] University of Virginia’s graduate programs in Linguistic Anthropology and Linguistics
Mark Sicoli
marksicoli at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 2 23:00:56 UTC 2016
University of Virginia’s graduateprograms in Linguistic Anthropology and Linguistics
The University of Virginia is atop-ranked public research university located in the beautiful Piedmont regionof Virginia, a short drive away from both Washington, D.C. and the Blue Ridgemountains. We offer an M.A. degree in Linguistics, and an M.A. and Ph.D. degreein Linguistic Anthropology.
MA/PhD inLinguistic Anthropology
Graduate training in LinguisticAnthropology at UVa stresses the integration of linguistic and social theorywith ethnographic practice, and our close ties to the Interdepartmental Program inLinguistics (see below) affords the potential for substantial training inlinguistic analysis. Graduate students take courses in a wide range ofcontemporary issues in anthropology and develop breadth across anthropologicalsubfields to motivate questions that span both linguistics and social theory.There are many opportunities for cross-disciplinary dialogues with other UVa units;for example, with music, global development, education, medicine, biology, andmedia studies. UVa also has a world-class reputation in the digital humanitiesand invests heavily in resources that facilitate the use of digital technologyin student and faculty research. Mentoring is provided for in-depth fieldwork,grant writing, teaching and job placement to help students develop skills to becreative and responsible teachers, engaging researchers, and citizens for ourworld.
The five full-time linguisticanthropologists on UVa’s Anthropology faculty integrate the study of languagewith culture and social life, with research emphases in cognition, ethics,ethnopoetics, ideology and philosophy of language, multimodal semiosis, spaceand place, language evolution, linguistic prehistory, and languagedocumentation, archiving, and revitalization.
EllenContini-Morava: Meanings and discourse functions of grammatical forms; nounclassification, pragmatics; linguistic theory and method; African linguistics(especially Bantu).
EveDanziger: Linguistic relativity; spatial language and spatial cognition,cross-cultural philosophies of mind, conversational gesture; language changeand linguistic prehistory; social organization and social identity; Mayanlinguistics; morphosyntactic expression of verb argument structure.
LiseDobrin: Melanesian language and culture; Arapesh language family;ethnography of language documentation; language endangerment, revitalization,and archiving, collaborative methods; ethnopoetics; history of anthropology.
DanLefkowitz: Language and culture; language and identity, language andemotion; sociolinguistics; intonation, prosody, and voice quality; discourseanalysis; language and media, film studies, semiotics; Hebrew and Semiticlanguages; peoples and cultures of the Middle East; Israel.
Mark Sicoli: Embodiedinteraction; semiotics; social action; video analysis; ethnography; place,ethics, and world making; language evolution and prehistory; documentarylinguistics; indigenous languages of the Americas: Zapotec, Chatino, Chinantec(Mexico), Na-Dene (U.S.A and Canada).
The Department of Anthropologyoffers guaranteed five-year graduate fellowship support for all admitted PhDstudents, along with additional grants for foreign language study, conferencetravel, and pre-dissertation research.
Anthropology applications are dueDecember 15 through the GraduateSchool of Arts and Sciences admissions portal. For more information aboutthe Linguistic Anthropology MA or PhD program contact Dr. Mark Sicoli marksicoli at virginia.edu.
MA in Linguistics
The University of Virginia’sInterdepartmental Program in Linguistics especially welcomes applications fromstudents interested in linguistic fieldwork and/or social approaches to thestudy of language. UVa’s interdepartmental Linguistics MA program is ideallysuited for students with an anthropology background wishing to understand howlanguage factors into their field area; those preparing to undertake culturallyinformed language documentation and description; students interested infunctional, typological, cognitive, and historical approaches to linguistics,and those aiming to conduct language-focused public outreach in areas such aseducation and museums/archives. In addition to the linguistic anthropologists notedabove, there are Linguistics faculty in American Studies; Classics; Education; English;Psychology; Slavic Languages and Literatures; Spanish, Italian and Portuguese;and other units. Competitive funding is available.
Linguistics applications are dueannually on January 15 through the GraduateSchool of Arts and Sciences admissions portal. For more information aboutthe Linguistics MA program contact Dr. Lise Dobrin dobrin at virginia.edu.
---Dr. Mark A Sicoli Assistant ProfessorUniversity of VirginiaDepartment of AnthropologyInterdepartmental Program in Linguistics
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