[Linganth] 2019 AAA annual meeting info - please read carefully for changes!

Roth Gordon, Jennifer F - (jenrothg) jenrothg at email.arizona.edu
Fri Feb 15 22:19:44 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the AAA has decided to keep everyone on their toes this year (perhaps in keeping with the theme of "change" for this year's meetings). Below I outline/include:

1) the important changes to deadlines and fees

2) basic conference information to organize and submit proposals and the google doc link to organize panels

3) a forwarded email from AAA with additional links

1) Important Changes:

If you are in the US, AAA really wants you to pay attention to them first and do your taxes later. They have removed the easy to remember deadline of April 15th.

You must BEGIN an online submission (for a panel or presentation) by Friday, April 5th at 3pm EDT. The system will not accept entirely new submissions after this time. (If you are submitting a paper as part of the panel, I'm assuming this deadline will apply to the panel organizer only.)

You must COMPLETE your submission by Wednesday, April 10th at 3pm EDT. I have nothing to help you remember this: it's not a Friday or a Monday, not 5pm or midnight, nor is it our well-worn, time-honored deadline of tax day. Put it into your calendar now.

There's more.

New meeting rates in a tiered system with additional deadlines to remember:

You must register by March 20 if you want the cheapest conference rate possible. Note that you can only receive a refund (minus a fee) if your paper is not accepted or if you are not presenting. That is if  you submit to present and you are accepted, there are no refunds. Also note that while the rate goes up minimally for students, it goes up more significantly for professionals.

You must register by October 31 if you want to pay the "standard" but not "advanced" registration fees and avoid the final (and most expensive tier) called "onsite registration" - which applies to the month of November. The difference between registering before March 20 and in November can be over $50, and you will still pay more if you wait until April to submit and register at the same time.

So dates for your calendar should include March 20, April 5, and April 10. I am too busy myself to make this stuff up.

2) Basic conference information to organize and submit proposals:

AAA 2019 conference dates and location:

AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting

Wednesday, November 20 - Sunday, November 24

Vancouver Convention Center

Vancouver, BC, CAN

>> Hotel information will be available Summer 2019.

AAA link to the online portal and general information:


Attend the Annual Meeting - Attend Events<http://www.americananthro.org/AttendEvents/landing.aspx?ItemNumber=14722&navItemNumber=566>
Join AAA, CASCA, and thousands of your friends and colleagues in Vancouver, BC, November 20 - 24, to build lasting connections, uncover new career and mentoring opportunities, and explore the latest research across the discipline — all while addressing today’s most pressing issues.

Information about invited and co-sponsored panels:

There is a lot of confusion over how these work. Briefly, each section receives a limited number of “tokens” to use towards invited and co-sponsored panels. Based on membership numbers in the last few years, the SLA has typically received 4-6 tokens. “Inviting” a session costs 2 tokens. Co-sponsoring costs 1 token from each of the sections involved. In order to receive co-sponsorship, BOTH sections have to agree to use a token on the same panel. The panel to which you submitted (as your first choice) is the one that has to initiate the co-sponsorship process. You are welcome to reach out to the relevant section chairs ahead of time to let them know of your interest in co-sponsorship.

-->Summing up: Inviting a session and co-sponsoring are essentially the same thing. Any panel that is invited or co-sponsored skips regular review and should receive a better time slot. Sections are very limited in how many panels they can choose.

-->Because sections can only co-sponsor a few panels (at most), it is recommended that you use keywords to your advantage to increase the chances that other section members will find your panel.

Role restrictions:

•Individuals are limited to one major role plus one secondary role plus unlimited minor roles

•Any presentation counts as a major role (paper, flash paper, roundtable, or poster presenter)

•Any discussant role counts as your ONE secondary role (regardless of session type)

•Co-authors (who do not help present or sit on the panel), panel/roundtable chairs, introducers, and session organizers are all considered minor roles (that do not count towards limited roles)

•If you submit to the graduate student paper contest and are selected for the panel, you must give up any other presentation roles, though you can still serve as organizer, chair, introducer, or discussant on a different panel

Annual Meeting FAQ (very helpful):


Google doc for forming panels, offering to serve as a discussant, etc:

Those who are thinking of submitting an individual paper, please try posting your information on our SLA google doc. This will allow you to connect with others and form more coherent (and higher ranked!) panels. All individually submitted papers eventually find their way into panels - either before submission and under the careful guidance of the authors themselves (highly recommended!) or at the whim of the section chair after submission. People with small ideas, lots of keywords, and/or potential paper topics, people who don't have time to organize a panel on their own, and more senior colleagues willing to serve as a discussant are all welcome to check out the google doc and leave their contact information. Faculty, please also share this link with your students!



AAA 2019 SLA Panel Ideas<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y32aDQukW-5JSIttN5j-sMHhWzmu1clZp23LBq0dARo/edit?usp=sharing>
This is a shared document to facilitate meeting other people who are working on similar topics to help individuals submit cohesive panels for review by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology section. The first few pages contain general information and tips. I have also left the information submi...

Important information to include on the SLA google doc:

•your name and contact info

•whether you are willing to organize or co-organize the panel (this will include writing a panel abstract)

•whether you are willing to chair the panel (read names and titles and time papers for the session at AAA)

•whether you are willing to serve as a discussant

•keywords for your paper or panel idea

•a possible title for your paper or panel

•a full or partial abstract for your paper (or several different ideas)

<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y32aDQukW-5JSIttN5j-sMHhWzmu1clZp23LBq0dARo/edit?usp=sharing>Please don't shoot the messenger of all of this information... I am happy to answer any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vancouver!

Jen Roth-Gordon

jenrothg at email.arizona.edu

SLA section chair

3) Forwarded information from AAA with additional links:

From: AAA Meetings Team <aaameetings at americananthro.org>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 2:24 PM
To: Roth Gordon, Jennifer F - (jenrothg)
Subject: Submit your proposal for the AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting!

Two submission deadlines this year

[Changing Climates: 2019 AAA/CASCA Meeting Vancouver] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5Mw/index.html>
Attend the Annual Meeting - Attend Events <http://amaa.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5Mw/index.html>
Join AAA, CASCA, and thousands of your friends and colleagues in Vancouver, BC, November 20 - 24, to build lasting connections, uncover new career and mentoring opportunities, and explore the latest research across the discipline — all while addressing today’s most pressing issues.

AAA/CASCA General Call for Papers Now Open!

>From Wednesday, November 20 through Sunday, November 24, thousands of anthropologists and friends of the discipline will gather in Vancouver, BC for the joint Annual Meeting<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5Mw/index.html> of the AAA and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA).

The 2019 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting submission portal is open for the General Call for Papers. We have a variety of proposal submission types<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5NA/index.html> available, so use our interactive video<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5NQ/index.html> to determine the best one for you, and submit your proposal today<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5Ng/index.html>!

Please note two important deadlines for submissions:

  *   Submissions must be started by Friday, April 5 at 3:00 p.m. EDT.

  *   Submitters will have until Wednesday, April 10 at 3:00 p.m. EDT to finalize and submit their proposals.

[https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]     Begin Your Submission <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5Nw/index.html>         [https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]

Pre-Submission Deadlines

  *   March 20: Guest Presenter Registration<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5OA/index.html> request deadline (formerly Membership Exemption) for non-anthropologists or anthropologists living outside of the US or Canada who wish to present. Also the deadline to submit a Program Chair Waiver Application<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjI5OQ/index.html>.

  *   March 21: Annual Meeting registration prices <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMA/index.html> increase

  *   April 5 (3:00 p.m. EDT): New submission cutoff. Proposals must be started in the portal prior to 3:00 p.m. EDT on April 5 for consideration. The portal will not allow new submissions after this time.

  *   April 10 (3:00 p.m. EDT): Submission deadline for submitters with active submissions.

Registration and Membership Reminder

Meeting registration and association membership (in either AAA or CASCA) are required in order to present at the Annual Meeting.

  *   If you wish to join AAA and register for the meeting through AAA’s website, please do so here<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMA/index.html>.
  *   If you wish to join CASCA and register for the meeting through CASCA’s website, please do so here<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMQ/index.html>.

2019 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting Collaboration Zone

Are you looking for someone to join your panel or are you looking for a panel to join at the 2019 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting? Complete our online collaboration form <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMg/index.html> to be placed on our panel match-up list or peruse requests<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMw/index.html> from those seeking participation. Once you find your collaborators and get your session together, enter the submission portal<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwNA/index.html> to submit your proposed session for Annual Meeting peer review and consideration.

[https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]     Post a Request <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMg/index.html>        [https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]


[https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]     View Submitted Requests <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwMw/index.html>       [https://www.informz.net/admin31/images/spacer.gif]

Special Passport Advisory

[https://AmAA.informz.net/AmAA/data/images/passport.jpg?cb=346125] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwNQ/index.html>

Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry both proof of citizenship and proof of identity. If you travel with a valid U.S. passport, your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your planned date of departure from Canada. Learn more here<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwNQ/index.html>.


International Year of Indigenous Languages

[https://AmAA.informz.net/AmAA/data/images/Annual%20Meeting/IYIL2019_logo.png?cb=38336] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwNg/index.html>

2019 is the International Year of Indigenous Languages! Parties interested in submitting related content to the AAA/CASCA Meeting can contact Daniel Ginsberg<mailto:dginsberg at americananthro.org> for more information, and updates will be posted to this page<https://www.americananthro.org/iyil2019?utm_source=informz&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cta> as they become available.

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[linkedin] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMwOQ/index.html>

[youtube] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMxMA/index.html>

[instagram] <http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMxMQ/index.html>

American Anthropological Association
2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1301
Arlington, VA 22201 | TEL 703-528-1902

Manage your email preferences<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnU9Mzc0MDkxODg0JmxpPTE3MzE2MzEyJmw9aHR0cHM6Ly9BbUFBLmluZm9ybXoubmV0L0FtQUEvcGFnZXMvU3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uTWFuYWdlbWVudD9fenM9NFNJM1h8X3ptaT1CSTBE/index.html>

[Higher Logic]<http://AmAA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0yNTM3NTExJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5MTg4NCZsaT0xNzMxNjMxMw/index.html>
Jennifer Roth-Gordon
Associate Professor
School of Anthropology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0030

Race and the Brazilian Body: Blackness, Whiteness, and Everyday Language in Rio de Janeiro
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