[Linganth] SLA mentorship program - hello and please consider joining!

Delfino, Jennifer jdelfino at illinois.edu
Tue Jun 4 14:08:07 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Good morning! I'm writing to introduce myself (Jennifer) as the current organizer of the SLA mentorship program and to explain what the program is hoping to offer members this year. The program currently has about 15 mentor-mentee pairings, primarily with mid- to late-career scholars mentoring early-career scholars and graduate students who may or may not be on the tenure track. As the incoming organizer, I will be reaching out soon to current participants to ask about the past year of mentorship and get ideas about what we can do this year. Additionally, I am hoping to recruit more folks who want to participate, with the following ideas for pairing mentors with mentees:

pairing late-career with mid-career scholars (promotion from associate to full, how to approach writing the second book, maintaining or advancing intellectual growth post-tenure, etc)
navigating tenure/post-tenure career expectations in the midst of family obligations (e.g., how to get writing when you have young children)
creating pairings among scholars working at similar institutions to help scholars navigate those specific expectations (tenure and promotion, choosing a book publisher or journal, etc)

Of course, the program is always happy to bring in more mentorship opportunities for pre- and early-career scholars; I am simply hoping to expand the focus.

Additionally, I plan to help get some workshops going this year on specific topics or dimensions as described above and with the forthcoming input from members/potential new participants. I also plan to host a lunch or event at SLA 2025 in Chicago for the program.

If you are interested in participating as a mentor, please fill out the following form:


If you are interested in participating as a mentee, please fill out this questionnaire:


Thanks so much!

Jennifer (Jen)

Jennifer B. Delfino, Ph.D. (she/her)
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
607 S Mathews Ave., Room 109
Urbana, IL 61802
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