[Linganth] Any readings on nunchi and autism?

Lina Hou lhou at linguistics.ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 5 04:13:59 UTC 2024

Dear everyone,

I'm looking for any anthropological readings that discuss nunchi (or
noonchi) among autistic people raised in culturally Korean households.

My undergraduate student is finishing up his honors thesis on the
expression of humor in young autistic adults and would like a citation that
does *not *argue about how autistic people lack nunchi. Does such
literature exist? I've been unable to locate anything and hope that someone
here can point me in the right direction.

Many thanks in advance.


Lina Hou [ˈlinə hɔʊ, visually mouthed as "oh"] (she/they)
ASL name sign: LAUGH (one handed)
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
University of California, Santa Barbara
Situated on the traditional, unceded, and occupied land and water of
the Chumash
people <https://ucsbfsh.weebly.com/chumash-land-acknolwedgement.html>
Zoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/my/lyshou
Office hours: T & W 12noon-1p, and by appointment -- sign up for office
hours <https://calendar.app.google/XuvPJdrBJDLpxcGr8>

*New publications*
Hou, L. & Ali, K. (2024). Critically Examining Inclusion and Parity for
Deaf Global South Researchers of Colour in The Field of Sign Language
Linguistics. In A. C. Hudley, C. Mallinson, & M. Bucholtz (eds.), *Inclusion
in Linguistics. *Oxford: OUP.

Hou, L. (2024). Giving oranges and puppies: Children's production of
directional verbs in an emerging sign language from Oaxaca. *First
Language. *Online first. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/01427237231221886

Horton, L, Hou, L., German, A. & Singleton, J. (2023). Sign language
socialization and participant frameworks in three indigenous Mesoamerican
communities. *Research on Children and Social Interaction, *7(2): 288-319.
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