Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity

Martin Haspelmath haspelmath at EVA.MPG.DE
Tue Oct 11 14:08:05 UTC 2005


2006 Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity
(20-28 March 2006, in Leipzig, Germany)

Online registration now open! (http://lingweb.eva.mpg.de/SpringSchool2006/ )

This will be a relatively short event, but there will be over 20 courses
(plus evening lectures) by members and guests of the Leipzig linguistics
community, among them:

Balthasar Bickel, Juliette Blevins, Bernard Comrie, Dan Everett, Martin
Haspelmath, Larry Hyman, Gereon Müller, Robert Van Valin (and others)

The participation fee will be EUR 35, and affordable accommodation is

On the weekend, there will be a student conference for spring school
participants, and the spring school will be followed by a conference on
rare features in human languages (see http://email.eva.mpg.de/rara2006/).

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