Question about head-marked datives

Enrique L. Palancar epalancar at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 23 19:38:46 UTC 2007

Dear all,
Thank you so much to all of you who responded to my mail so promptly. I will 
certainly dig in all the references you provided.

It seems that dative pronominal marking on the verb (not applicatives) is 
rare typologically, but it is, nonetheless, found here and there. The 
pattern is found in Europe in Basque, within Indo-European in a number of 
Romance languages and Modern Greek; in the Caucasus in Northwest Caucasian 
(Abkhaz, Abaza, Circassian, etc.) and Kartvelian; in the strongly 
polysynthetic languages of New Guinea, such as Yimas and Manambu (Lower 
Sepik-Ramu family); in Australia, in a number of Pama-Nyungan lgs. such as 
Warlpiri (but also in other non-Pama-Nyungan); and in the Americas in 
Muskoguean (Koasati, Chickasaw, Choctaw) and in a number of Otomanguean 
languages which favor argument agreement on the verb.

Martin, as for Tarascan (P’orhepecha), there is an alternative analysis of 
the markers involved as being dative applicatives rather than a set of 
dative pronominals (the R is treated as PO for syntactic purposes). The only 
weird thing here is that there are two markers distributed by person (one 
for 1st/2nd and another for 3rd), and applicatives are normally only one 

Thank you again,

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