Complementizers for reported speech

Kilu von Prince prince at ZAS.GWZ-BERLIN.DE
Thu Feb 28 11:29:58 UTC 2013

Dear LINGTYP members,

a colleague of mine has alerted me to the existence of a
complementizer in Polish, "jakoby" which is restricted exclusively to
verbs of saying. Two examples are given below. We would like to know
if you are aware of any other languages that have a complementizer
with similar restrictions. I will post a summary of your responses.


Autor twierdzi, [jakoby pisarz dobrowolnie wstąpił do Waffen-SS]
author.NOM claims jakoby writer.NOM voluntarily join.3SG.M.l-PTCP to Waffen-SS
'The author claims that the writer (supposedly) joined the Waffen-SS

Firma zaprzeczyła, [jakoby były zgłoszenia o wadliwych kartach]
company.NOM deny.3SG.F.l-PTCP.PERF jakoby be.PL.N-VIR.l-PTCP
reports.NOM about faulty cards.LOC
'The company denied that there (supposedly) were any reports about
faulty prepaid cards.'

Kilu von Prince
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (Center for General Linguistics)
Schützenstr. 18
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 20192 422
Email: prince at

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