[Lingtyp] predicative possession

Spike Gildea spike at uoregon.edu
Wed Apr 22 13:04:10 UTC 2020

Dear Sergey,

Two major large-scale typological references are Bernd Heine (1997) and Leon Stassen (2009), both of whom describe the more common "non-have" grammatical strategies for encoding predicative possession. Both also explore the different semantic grounds covered by the notion "possession", and how individual languages might divide the task of encoding, for example, "ownership" from "temporary control". Both also make explicit diachronic claims, Heine explicitly in a grammaticalization framework. 

In the introduction to our 2018 edited volume, Nonverbal Predication in Amazonian Languages, Simon Overall, Rosa Vallejos and I link the various "non-have" strategies to other nonverbal predicates in a larger typology, both synchronic and diachronic. Our diachronic typology explicitly relies on the notion of Construction (and hence belongs to the framework of Diachronic Construction grammar), but could be readily transposed into the framework of Grammaticalization. 


Heine, Bernd. 1997. Possession: Cognitive Sources, Forces, and Grammaticalization. Cambridge: CUP.
Stassen, Leon. 2009. Predicative Possession. Oxford: OUP
Overall, Simon, Rosa Vallejos, & Spike Gildea. 2018. Non-verbal predication in Amazonian languages: Introduction. Nonverbal predication in Amazonian Languages, ed. by Simon Overall, Rosa Vallejos, & Spike Gildea, 1-49. Typological Studies in Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    ср, 22 апр. 2020 г. в 14:25, Sergey Loesov <sergeloesov at gmail.com>:
    > Dear colleagues,
    > could you please advise me literature on the encoding of the notion HAVE/HAVING in the languages that, unlike English, do not have generally applicable and versatile HAVE-verbs? I am interested in the grammaticalization paths in this semantic domain.  (I suspect people call this field “predicative possession.”)
    > Best wishes,
    >  Sergey
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