[Lingtyp] Identity in language from the cross-linguiststic perspective

Epps, Patience L pattieepps at austin.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 30 15:13:09 UTC 2020

Dear Ilja,

Here are a couple more papers dealing with Amazonia:



I hope these are helpful. All best,

On Sep 27, 2020, at 11:30 AM, Camilo Enrique Díaz Romero <camilo.diaz at caroycuervo.gov.co<mailto:camilo.diaz at caroycuervo.gov.co>> wrote:

Hi, Ilja
I give you some papers with colombian cases:
1) The interaction of Bora (Bora and Muinane speakers) with Witoto (Witoto, Nonuya and Ocaina speakers), Arawak (Resigaro speakers) and Andoke groups creates the "People of the center" identity: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_576589 , https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01938329/file/Seifart2018_BoranNarrativeIJAL-TILA.pdf/component/file_576587/content , https://escholarship.org/content/qt3n79g682/qt3n79g682.pdf , https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan_Alvaro_Echeverri/publication/42348367_DOBES-archive_for_the_languages_of_the_People_of_the_Center_North_West_Amazon_An_Introduction/links/0f317534d792e6d4b6000000.pdf

2) Vaupés, the traditional linguistic exogamy (if you speak the same language as me, we're brothers. Therefore, you could not get married to me) in Tukano (Tukano/Ye'pâ-masa, Bara, Barasana, Pisamira, Kotiria/Yauna, Kubeo, Siriano/Süra, Tanimica, Carapana/Karapana, Tatuy, Piratapuyo, Tuyuca and Desano speakers) and Arawak (Tariano) groups -http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/clin/n31/0121-053X-clin-31-00037.pdf , https://www.jcu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/936909/Multilingualism-and-ethnic-stereotypes.pdf -, but not in Nadahup (Yuhup,Hup speakers) or Kakua groups - http://www.academia.edu/download/32571873/Grammatical_Borrowing_in_Cross-linguistic_Perspective.pdf#page=561-

3) The "Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta", the Mamo (Kogui priests and judges) and the sacred linguistic variety called Tezhuan: http://manglar.uninorte.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10584/681/41947381.pdf;jsessionid=09F757A9E3F567C42FE5D5B890FAFEFD?sequence=1

Camilo Díaz

Camilo Enrique Díaz Romero, PhD
Project "Development of Typological Atlas of Indigenous Languages of Colombia. Stage 1: The Holistic-Typological Atlas of Indigenous Languages of Colombia (Sp. " Desarrollo de atlas tipológicos sobre lenguas indígenas de Colombia. Etapa 1: generación del Atlas Tipológico-Holístico de Lenguas Indígenas de Colombia/ATIHOLICO")
Instituto Caro y Cuervo
Bogotá, Colombia

El lun., 21 sept. 2020 a las 9:15, Ilja Seržant (<ilja.serzants at uni-leipzig.de<mailto:ilja.serzants at uni-leipzig.de>>) escribió:
Dear typologists,

can you recommend me papers that would describe (and perhaps even
generalize) on how language may be used in different areas for a
conscious or unconscious self-identification or group-identification in
the social environement? (I do realize that this formulation is a bit
fuzzy but this is because I am not a specialist in the sociolinguistic

Any hint would be greatly appreciated!


Ilja A. Seržant, postdoc
Project "Grammatical Universals"
Universität Leipzig (IPF 141199)
Nikolaistraße 6-10
04109 Leipzig

URL: http://home.uni-leipzig.de/serzant/

Tel.: + 49 341 97 37713
Room 5.22

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Camilo Enrique Díaz Romero

Docente Maestría en Lingüística
Instituto Caro y Cuervo

camilo.diaz at caroycuervo.gov.co<mailto:camilo.diaz at caroycuervo.gov.co>
+57 (1) 342 2121
Sede Casa de Cuervo: Calle 10 # 4-69, Bogotá, Colombia
Sede Yerbabuena: Carretera Central Norte. Kilómetro 9 más 300 metros, Chía

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