[Lingtyp] Two PhD positions at Stockholm University (phonetics and sign language), deadline April 15th 2023

Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm tamm at ling.su.se
Wed Apr 5 10:58:24 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,
Please spread the news!

The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University invites applications for two PhD student positions:

PhD student position in in experimental phonetics. The candidates are free to define their own research projects providing they are linked to research on acoustic and/or physiological (e.g. breathing, phonation, articulation) aspects of speech and conversation conducted at the Department of Linguistics. For details, see: https://www.su.se/english/about-the-university/work-at-su/available-jobs/phd-student-positions-1.507588?rmpage=job&rmjob=20262&rmlang=UK

PhD student position in sign language. The candidates are free to define their own research projects providing they have a topic linked to research on sign language. The focus should be on the study of the structure of signed languages. For details, see https://www.su.se/english/about-the-university/work-at-su/available-jobs/phd-student-positions-1.507588

All the best,
Prof. Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm
Dept. of linguistics, Stockholm university, 106 91, Stockholm, Sweden
tel.: +46-8-16 26 20 (office)
tamm at ling.su.se

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