[Lingtyp] Entering IPA etc. characters/diacritics on new Apple Macs

Mark Post mark.post at sydney.edu.au
Thu Aug 3 22:42:01 UTC 2023

FWIW, I’ve been using SIL’s (non-Palette) Unicode IPA keyboard ever since I switched to Macs 4 years ago, and v6.2 works fine on new machines.


There are a few different ways of toggling between the keyboards, which you can setup via Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard shortcuts (the globe key is probably easiest, if your keyboard has it).


From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Kristine Hildebrandt <khildeb at siue.edu>
Date: Friday, 4 August 2023 at 02:25
To: Jeff Mielke <jimielke at ncsu.edu>
Cc: <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] Entering IPA etc. characters/diacritics on new Apple Macs
I wonder if this process is a useful workaround in your newer Mac OS to simply expand options for expanding keys to produce additional IPA symbols and diacritics on your keyboard? I use this keyboard feature a lot.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 11:12 AM Jeffrey Mielke <jimielke at ncsu.edu<mailto:jimielke at ncsu.edu>> wrote:
I've been happy using this web-based tool to type IPA characters: https://westonruter.github.io/ipa-chart/keyboard/<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/UCm4CVARKgC29W3RqszRcoM?domain=westonruter.github.io/>


Jeff Mielke
Linguistics program
Department of English
North Carolina State University

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 11:54 AM Larry M Hyman <hyman at berkeley.edu<mailto:hyman at berkeley.edu>> wrote:
Thanks for letting us know, Bill. I have been using IPA Palette on Monterey, where there already are some quirks: Sometimes it doesn't insert the symbol when you click on it, sometimes it does; it does always work when you drag the symbol into your document or email. Does dragging not work in Ventura? I have been hesitant to upgrade to Ventura, and now will put it off even longer if I can get away with it!  θæŋks so mʌtʃ !!!  Best, Larry

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 8:50 AM William Croft <wcroft at unm.edu<mailto:wcroft at unm.edu>> wrote:

I have used IPA Palette for entering IPA, special characters and diacritics on my Mac for many years, which I was very happy with.

I am upgrading, or trying to upgrade, to a new Mac, using the Apple chip and macOS13 Ventura. Unfortunately the latest version of IPA Palette (2.3.2), doesn’t work on the new Macs and the Ventura OS. I wrote the developer, and he wrote back:

“I am no longer doing any Mac OS development. IPA Palette binaries will probably not run on current versions of the OS; however, anyone can download Xcode and compile the IPA Palette sources on GitHub for the current OS and chip architecture.”

Unfortunately, I don’t have the programming skills to do this. Have any of you done this for yourselves, and are willing to share the product? If not, what is the next best way to enter IPA/special characters/diacritics on a new Mac? I use it mainly for example sentences; I am not currently doing any continuous IPA transcription, for which an IPA keyboard setting is more suitable.


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