[Lingtyp] Survey on alignment between NLP/CL and Lingtyp

Johannes Bjerva jbjerva at cs.aau.dk
Fri Aug 4 11:09:37 UTC 2023

Dear Lingtyp community,

As a researcher in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics (CL), with a particular interest in typology, I'm currently running a survey based on interactions between NLP/CL and the broader linguistics / typology community. The purpose of the survey is to map out how a particular research trend, typological feature prediction, aligns with your community.

I've pasted a link to the survey below - it consists of 7 multiple choice questions, and should not take more than a few minutes to complete. I would much appreciate it if you could forward the survey to relevant colleagues, so that any conclusions can be based on as sound a foundation as possible. The goal is to compile these findings in a research paper, hopefully inspiring better aligned interactions between our communities.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, or would like to participate further in, e.g., an in-depth interview, do let me know.

Survey link: https://forms.gle/FEiE4BL8A5EKoHbQ6

Best regards,
Johannes Bjerva

Johannes Bjerva
Associate Professor | Natural Language Processing | Department of Computer Science
Team Lead for CS CPH
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Office 2.2.089, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen, Denmark
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