[Lingtyp] REQUEST

Hongmei Fang hongmei.fang01 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 11:52:11 UTC 2023

Please distribute the following message. Thanks!

Dear all,

I am investigating echo answers, i.e. answers that repeat a fragment part
of the polar question that they are responding to. In the following example
from Finnish the verb from the question is repeated to mean 'yes'.

Question: *Osaa-ko Liisa  puhua   ranskaa?*
                 Can-Q   Liisa  speak    French
                 ‘Can Liisa speak French?’
Answer:     *Osaa*

I am looking for specialists and/or native speakers of languages exhibiting
this phenomenon who are willing to provide information.

I have collected data on some languages such as Finnish, Russian, Korean,
Chinese, Portuguese, Thai, etc. I am expecting more.

Examples of other languages which have been reported to have echo answers
Aguaruna, Atong, Bandial, Bunaq, Chaha, Chickasaw, Chol, Evenki, Garifuna,
Georgian, Gwa, Harari, Hindi, Hixkaryana, Hup, Imbabura Quechua, Kannada,
Kobon, Latin, Malayalam, Marathi, Mauwake, Mualang, Rapanui, Semelai,
Tamil, Tigrinya, Vietnamese, West Greenlandic, Wai Wai, Wari, Yeli Dnye,

But if your language is not in this list but does exhibit echo answers, I
would be equally interested.

Thanking you in advance for your reactions, which you can send to the email
address below:
h.m.fang at uva.nl

Best regards,
Hongmei Fang

*Postdoctoral researcherUniversity of AmsterdamSpuistraat 210, 1012
VBAmsterdam, The Netherlands*
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