[Lingtyp] Second GLOWing lecture *** Tomorrow *** Reminder and Zoom link

András Bárány andras.barany at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Dec 14 12:53:15 UTC 2023

Dear GLOW members and anyone interested in GLOWing lectures!

Our second GLOWing lecture: Discoveries in generative linguistics will be given
by Charles Reiss (Concordia), with Hedde Zeijlstra (Göttingen) as the

Date: Dec 15, 9:00 EST, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CET, 19:30 IST

Topic: Rational Phonology

The lecture will be open for anyone! Feel free to share this with your
colleagues and students.

How to attend

  • Zoom

  • You can also watch the lecture as a live stream on Youtube.

  • But: Questions and discussions will only be possible via Zoom (no comment
    option will be available on YouTube).

Zoom information

GLOW is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 2. GLOWing lecture (Charles Reiss &  Hedde Zeijlstra)
Time: Dec 15, 2023 03:00 PM Budapest

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 0220 8448
Passcode: 171816


What are GLOWing lectures?

The goal of GLOWing lectures is to provide tools, insights, and puzzles that
will remind us and show new audiences why generative linguistics is important,
invigorating, and relevant. GLOWing lectures are intended to be exciting,
inspiring, educational, and accessible across generative subfields. There are
two broad categories of GLOWing lectures and the choice is up to the speaker:

i. What you should know about subfield X? These lectures teach professionals
from other generative subfields (semantics, phonology etc.) what are some of
the most exciting questions occupying researchers in the speaker's subfield
(and why) — perhaps also introducing some of the important tools and
methodologies of that subfield as well.

ii. What is exciting in subfield X? These lectures provide significant
discoveries and results from one subfield.

Our vision is that a GLOWing lecture of type (i) is not addressed to an
audience of mostly specialists of that subfield. Rather, it should be
accessible to an audience that is interested in learning about other subfields.
The lectures have the potential for establishing connections across subfields,
and lay the groundwork for possible further exchanges within the broad bounds
of the generative enterprise. Similarly, GLOWing lectures of type (ii) are
intended to be broadly accessible reflections on what the subfield has
achieved, what is missing, and directions that have been taken.

To achieve our goals to inspire further engagement within the subfield of the
lecture and to create discussions across subfields, each lecture will have a
moderator/discussant from a different subfield. The kind of questions GLOWing
lectures aim for are, for instance: What do linguists find exciting about
working in their subfield? What do they consider major discoveries? What do
they wish other people should know about their subfield? What are some tools
that are particularly useful and important?

GLOWing lectures will have a 120 minute slot, with a lecture lasting between
45–60 minutes, 30 minutes for discussions, and, should there be time remaining
and interest, a continued post-lecture gathering. Partial attendance is, of
course, encouraged as well.

We hope to see you there!


András Bárány
(for the GLOW board)
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