[Lingtyp] Extended deadline: Special issue of Langue(s) & Parole on “Phonetic typology: Methods, resources, and tools”

Joaquim Llisterri Joaquim.Llisterri at uab.cat
Mon Jun 5 04:54:31 UTC 2023

The deadline for the Special issue of Langue(s) & Parole on “Phonetic typology: Methods, resources, and tools” has been extended until June 19 2023.
Full text of the call for papers: https://revistes.uab.cat/languesparole/announcement/view/3

The journal Langue(s) & Parole will publish a special issue on “Phonetic typology: Methods, resources, and tools”. The volume aims at contributing to the field of phonetic typology by discussing methodological problems that are specific to this area and by presenting new or existing resources and tools that can further the development of descriptive, comparative, or theoretical studies.

Possible examples of topics suitable for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following: 

-- Presentation of new or existing corpora, databases, and tools that can foster the development of phonetic typology. 
-- Issues in the phonetic representation of speech for corpus-based phonetic typology: standardization; impressionistic transcription vs. instrumental analysis; limitations of automatic phonetic transcription (G2P) software; issues in the symbolic representation of prosody. 
-- Strategies and tools for the development of speech corpora suitable for phonetic typology: reuse of existing collections; tools for automatic segmental and suprasegmental transcription, time-alignment, and annotation of speech; tools for corpus search and management; problems specific to under-resourced languages. 
-- Theoretical and methodological issues in the comparison of speech sounds from a typological perspective: the definition and quantification of phonetic similarity; the cross-linguistic comparison of sound systems; limitations in the availability of phonetic data. 
-- Phonetic explanations in typology: articulatory and perceptual constraints. 
-- State-of-the-art or survey articles presenting current trends in phonetic typology: corpus-based phonetic typology; available resources and tools; theoretical issues.

Contributions may be written in any Romance language or in English. 

Langue(s) & Parole is published since 2015 by the Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée (Mons, Belgium) and the Departament de Filologia Francesa i Romànica at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra, Spain) using the Open Journal Systems platform. There are no publication fees for authors, and readers have free access to all content.

 <http://www.uab.cat/>	Joaquim Llisterri
Professor Titular d'Universitat

Departament de Filologia Espanyola
Àrea de Lingüística General

Edifici B, Carrer de la Fortuna
Campus de la UAB · 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallès) · Barcelona

+34 93 581 1912
www.uab.cat <http://www.uab.cat/>
joaquimllisterri.cat <https://joaquimllisterri.cat/>

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