[Lingtyp] futures

Christian Lehmann christian.lehmann at uni-erfurt.de
Thu Jun 22 16:35:05 UTC 2023

Dear Björn,

I am certainly no specialist on this topic, so here are just a few thoughts:

First, I am not sure about your definition. It seems to include any 
marking of an event as posterior to a reference event. Thus, in any 
construction of the kind 'after S1 was finished, S2 happened', S2 would 
meet your definition. It seems you will want to distinguish between 
temporal relators and tenses.

Ad 1: The so-called synthetic future of several Romance language, like 
Span. /serás un lingüista/ 'you'll be a linguist', has largely been 
ousted in its temporal function by the immediate future based on 'go' 
and is now chiefly used as an inferential epistemic mood.

Ad 2: I would not be surprised if there were colloquial varieties of 
Spanish in which the synthetic future has lost the temporal use 
altogether. Native speakers, please correct me.

Ad 3: Yucatec Maya has a set of future tense auxiliaries, including an 
immediate future, a predictive future and a debitive future. Synchrony 
and diachrony of their constructions are in:
Lehmann, Christian 2017, “Grammaticalization of tense/aspect/mood 
marking in Yucatec Maya". Bisang, Walter & Malchukov, Andrej (eds.), 
/Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios/. Berlin: Language 
Science Press (Studies in Diversity Linguistics, 16); 173-237. 
DOI:10.5281/zenodo.823244. [download 
(which you probably have).

Ad 4: The Romance inferential is not restricted to any particular verb. 
The rest is a question of relative frequency with different verbs.

Ad 5: The (English) wikipedia article on the imperative mood has a 
section on the relationship between the future and the imperative in Hebrew.


Prof. em. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Rudolfstr. 4
99092 Erfurt

Tel.: 	+49/361/2113417
E-Post: 	christianw_lehmann at arcor.de
Web: 	https://www.christianlehmann.eu
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