[Lingtyp] languages without feet?

Adam James Ross Tallman ajrtallman at utexas.edu
Fri May 5 15:17:52 UTC 2023

My apologies got the title backwards, its *Intonation and Prosodic

On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 5:16 PM Adam James Ross Tallman <
ajrtallman at utexas.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> In Caroline Féry's excellent *Prosodic Structure and Intonation*, she
> describes a class of "phrase languages", identified as languages whereby
> there isn't much going on at the level of the prosodic word.
> I was wondering if anyone had *described* explicitly a language where the
> same thing could be said of feet (neither iambic or trochaic)? Or perhaps
> even more radically, not just that the feet don't do much, but that they
> aren't there at all?
> Perhaps there's lots  of cases where feet haven't been proposed, are there
> any cases where they had been proposed, but then further research (perhaps
> some phonetic study) found that there was no evidence for them?
> best,
> Adam
> --
> Adam J.R. Tallman
> Post-doctoral Researcher
> Friedrich Schiller Universität
> Department of English Studies

Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
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