[Lingtyp] languages without feet?

Mark Post mark.post at sydney.edu.au
Tue May 9 06:08:43 UTC 2023

Hi Adam,

That’s a lot of questions, but FWIW – and freely admitting that I’m no philosopher of science – to the extent that a given style of argument basically inoculates itself from falsification through lack of positive evidence (you haven’t shown that it’s not not there…), its proponents are probably not going to find such efforts convincing, regardless of whatever you or I might think. I’m not necessarily endorsing that way of thinking, but to the extent that it exists, I’m asking whether we can find positive evidence that assuming a “foot” for a particular language is actually a bad idea.

I’m interested in this because, under the assumption that “foot” is the focus of prosodic phenomena exclusively (not, e.g., segmental phenomena that could not be attributed to syl or wd; if this is wrong I’d be happy to be corrected), it seems useful to assume this unit of analysis for cross-linguistic comparison even if, for a particular language, “foot” turned out to be isomorphic with, for example, “word” as defined through segmental criteria (and assuming that most analysts would not adopt the reverse approach – attributing segmental phenomena to the “foot”, and doing away with “word” – though in principle, I suppose one could). Perhaps the sort of counterevidence that I’m suggesting looking for might be a language that showed evidence for multiple units between syl and phrase, and in which segmental and prosodic phenomena referenced units both above and below one another – though I’m not aware of such a language.

I think this is a little bit different from the other types of case you mentioned, as at least in principle, “foot” could have a universal functional motivation in prosodic organisation (e.g. rhythm), as opposed to being just a formal structure.


From: Adam James Ross Tallman <ajrtallman at utexas.edu>
Date: Monday, 8 May 2023 at 3:17 pm
To: Mark Post <mark.post at sydney.edu.au>, LINGTYP at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG <LINGTYP at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] languages without feet?
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments

Mark: this is an interesting comment, as it is typically used to argue in favor of the universality of structures cross-linguistically.

" I’m not sure whether or not there are languages for which that would not be true – i.e. in which assuming a foot level not only adds nothing, but leads to a less insightful or unworkable analysis. To me, that’s a more interesting question than whether or not we have to identify a foot distinct from syllable and word for any given language to sustain a particular prosodic analysis (lack of positive evidence not generally being taken as negative evidence in theorizing about UG)."

Perhaps I'm missing some crucial assumption, but I don't understand this formulation. Should it not be up to those pushing theoretical claims that the conditions for the falsifiability of their theories be clear? If someone is making a claim that some structure is universal, should it really be an open question how they could ever conceivably be wrong?

Nespor & Vogel (2007:11) make a similar argument regarding layers of the prosodic hierarchy. They argue that if one does not find evidence for a given layer of the prosodic hierarchy one is not necessarily warranted in assuming that the layer is not present. So one of the reasons that the prosodic hierarchy hypothesis seems like it has wide empirical coverage is because it is basically let off the hook for accounting for cases where there seems to be no evidence for its domains. And the reverse is true as well it turns out (too many domains? just posit some are not related to the theory). I've heard the same argument used to justify the vP shell, the argument for binary branching in all languages, and, of course, for the universal foot as well. It's been insisted that if I don't want to adopt the foot I should provide evidence against its presence (... against the presence of something invisible).

When are we justified in saying that positing a particular formal structure is "unworkable", especially when such structures are indeterminately abstract, especially if we are willing to admit that the structure need not have any empirical content? Are we not constructing a hypothesis that is fundamentally unfalsifiable? Or is the claim here that falsifiability is not a good criterion for scientific status?

And in linguistic descriptions, in the long run, doesn't presuming evidence for a structure when none can be found present a misleading picture of typological variation?



On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 6:39 AM Mark Post <mark.post at sydney.edu.au<mailto:mark.post at sydney.edu.au>> wrote:
Hi folks,

Just briefly, I think Enfield’s recent analysis of prosodic structure in Lao


…which I think also holds for Thai, suggests that while it may be possible to handle prosodic phenomena at the word level – basically by proliferating word “types” – it’s more desirable to handle prosodic phenomena at the sub-word level – so it’s not really a case of shoehorning the data into a particular model for at least those lgs.

I’m not sure whether or not there are languages for which that would not be true – i.e. in which assuming a foot level not only adds nothing, but leads to a less insightful or unworkable analysis. To me, that’s a more interesting question than whether or not we have to identify a foot distinct from syllable and word for any given language to sustain a particular prosodic analysis (lack of positive evidence not generally being taken as negative evidence in theorizing about UG).


From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org<mailto:lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org>> on behalf of Kirsten <kirstenculhane at gmail.com<mailto:kirstenculhane at gmail.com>>
Date: Sunday, 7 May 2023 at 00:03
To: Adam James Ross Tallman <ajrtallman at utexas.edu<mailto:ajrtallman at utexas.edu>>
Cc: LINGTYP at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG<mailto:LINGTYP at LISTSERV.LINGUISTLIST.ORG> <LINGTYP at listserv.linguistlist.org<mailto:LINGTYP at listserv.linguistlist.org>>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] languages without feet?
Hi Adam and everyone else,

The Strict Layer Hypothesis assumes that foot structure —as for other prosodic domains — is present in all languages. I get the impression, however, that the lack of evidence or foot structure in many languages hasn't been problematised in the same way as for the syllable and word - e.g. Hyman's analysis of Gokana, Sheiring et al's re: Vietnamese (one exception is Özçelik 2017's paper The Foot is not an obligatory constituent of the Prosodic Hierarchy: “stress” in Turkish, French and child English).

Anyway, underlying much of the discussion here is ultimately the question of what constitutes evidence for foot structure, and what is the relationship between foot structure and stress. I think there's good reasons not to treat stress as evidence for foot structure (you can account for stress without foot structure, and empirical evidence for stress both complex and lacking for many languages). This issue is the focus of my current paper in Linguistic typology, and is discussed in more detail in my forthcoming PhD thesis.

All the best,

On Sat, 6 May 2023 at 11:21, Adam James Ross Tallman <ajrtallman at utexas.edu<mailto:ajrtallman at utexas.edu>> wrote:
Thanks everyone for your responses (Ian and David + private responders),

Great leads to look at!

Here's another question ... have there been any phonologists who have proposed or assume that all languages have feet. I ask because I've had reviewer questions and conference questions that seem to presuppose this to be the case. I'd like to see the original arguments, if there are any.



On Sat, May 6, 2023 at 7:20 AM Ian Maddieson <ianm at berkeley.edu<mailto:ianm at berkeley.edu>> wrote:
Hi all,

There must be many languages in which the concept of a foot is not found to be relevant
(see Sun-Ah Jun’s chapter "Prosodic Typology: By Prominence Type, Word prosody, and Macro-rhythm" in
Prosodic Typology II (edited by Sun-Ah) for some discussion. The notion of a foot does not seem to
useful for (standard)  French, Korean, Yorùbá, among many others, though it can be pressed into service
in languages such as Thai and Mandarin. Since it’s an abstract notion, I’m not sure what phonetic
data would be capable of providing direct evidence either for or against the notion of a foot, though
if for example, vowel length was considered important in foot construction, data could confirm the
presence of greater length where it’s presence had been invoked to justify foot structure.


On May 5, 2023, at 09:16, Adam James Ross Tallman <ajrtallman at utexas.edu<mailto:ajrtallman at utexas.edu>> wrote:

Hello all,

In Caroline Féry's excellent Prosodic Structure and Intonation, she describes a class of "phrase languages", identified as languages whereby there isn't much going on at the level of the prosodic word.

I was wondering if anyone had *described* explicitly a language where the same thing could be said of feet (neither iambic or trochaic)? Or perhaps even more radically, not just that the feet don't do much, but that they aren't there at all?

Perhaps there's lots  of cases where feet haven't been proposed, are there any cases where they had been proposed, but then further research (perhaps some phonetic study) found that there was no evidence for them?



Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
Lingtyp mailing list
Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org<mailto:Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>

Ian Maddieson

Department of Linguistics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001

Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
Lingtyp mailing list
Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org<mailto:Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>

Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
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