[Lingtyp] Orphan Languages Workshop Abstract Deadline Extension

HANTGAN-SONKO Abbie abbie.hantgan-sonko at cnrs.fr
Tue Nov 7 15:04:01 UTC 2023

Dear Colleagues and Researchers,

We are excited to share two significant updates regarding our proposal for the Orphan Languages Workshop at SLE 2024.

Firstly, due to the high level of interest and requests for more time, we have extended the deadline for abstract submissions to November 10th.

Secondly, we are pleased to announce that a financial award will be granted for the best abstract submitted. This award aims to recognize exceptional research and innovative approaches within the new field of Orphan Languages. The winner will receive travel, accommodation, per diem, and SLE membership plus conference fees, in addition to having their work featured prominently as the keynote speaker of the Orphan Languages workshop.

We hope these updates will encourage you to share your insights and research on Orphan Languages. Detailed guidelines for abstract submission and criteria for the award can be found on our website https://bang.huma-num.fr/workshops.html or as attached to this email.

Your contributions are crucial to the success of our workshop and the advancement of research in this fascinating area of study. We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to celebrate the most outstanding work among them.

For any questions or further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Warm regards,

Abbie Hantgan-Sonko (on behalf of myself and co-organizer Rik van Gijn)
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