[Lingtyp] 《世界语言类型学 Typology of the World’s Languages》

mgerner at sjtu.edu.cn mgerner at sjtu.edu.cn
Wed Nov 22 09:42:01 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,


A new textbook in typology is out which integrates new typological data of the past twenty years by being attentive to the epistemological foundations of language typology.



《世界语言类型学 Typology of the World’s Languages》



Matthias Gerner and Jin Dawei (Shanghai Jiaotong University)


Shanghai: Fudan University Press

ISBN: 978-7-309-17010-8

Year: 2023

533 Pages / 523.000 Characters



*  International:  <mailto:shqfang at 163.com> shqfang at 163.com 

*  China:  <https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8XwmFTDFccy0EfRLRFIH8w> Fudan WeChat,  <https://item.jd.com/10089264477070.html> Jingdong




Matthias Gerner 


Professor of Linguistics (PhD, PhD)

School of Humanities 

Shanghai Jiaotong University

Xuhui District, Shanghai 

P.R. of China

Web:  <https://shss.sjtu.edu.cn/faculty/mgerner> https://shss.sjtu.edu.cn/faculty/mgerner





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