[Lingtyp] A seminar of interest - Dr Mike Wood, Kidnapping and violence in the rainforests of PNG, 4 October Wednesday 3-5 pm

Alexandra Aikhenvald a.y.aikhenvald at live.com
Wed Sep 27 06:27:27 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues

It gives me great pleasure to announce our next event within the Jawun Multidisciplinary seminar series within the Jawun Research Centre.

On 4 October (Wednesday) 3-5 pm, Michael Wood will be talking about Kidnapping and violence in the rainforests PNG – very topical and exciting!

And also very relevant for all of us working on the languages of Papua New Guinea.

The zoom details are as follows

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 4852 6606

Passcode: 041048

The web link is


 The flyer is attached.

See you all there!

Best wishes


Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Jawun Centre (formerly Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research), Central Queensland University

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Foundation Director of the Language and Culture Research Centre (JCU)

Consultant, OED (South American languages)

phone 61-400305315




https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Aikhenvald_Alexandraalternative e-mail: a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au, nyamamayratakw at gmail.com, goldagorb at yahoo.com

Serial Verbs                  The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality

By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald                                              Edited By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>                 Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

[Sig1]<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>            [Sig2] <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

My new book is https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog<https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog/>.

From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.y.aikhenvald at live.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2023 8:22 PM
To: Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Celebrating Indigenous Literacy Day - A seminar within the Jawun Research Centre seminar series: AssocProfessor Rob Amery, Wedn 6 September, 3-5 pm

Dear friends and colleagues

It gives me great pleasure to announce a particularly topical seminar of the Jawun Research Centre Multidisciplinary seminar series.

On 6 September, Assoc.Professor Rob Amery (University of Adelaide) will be talking about

Linguistic Challenges in Kaurna Language Reclamation

The abstract is as follows:

Efforts to reclaim and reintroduce Kaurna, the original language of the Adelaide Plains, began in 1989. Kaurna was a ‘sleeping’ language last spoken on an everyday basis in the 19th century. There were no sound recordings, but there were reasonable written records, especially those recorded by German missionaries Clamor Schürmann and Christian Teichelmann. Documentation of 19th century Kaurna has provided a firm foundation upon which to rebuild and develop a modern revival language, capable of serving the needs of emerging speakers of Kaurna in the 21st century. This presentation will explore the many linguistic challenges encountered along the way that manifest themselves in every linguistic subsystem: phonological, lexical, grammatical, semantic and so on.

The Flyer is attached.

You can find the same information at:


The timing of this seminar is special - it is the Indigenous Literacy Day!

The zoom details are as follows

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 4852 6606

Passcode: 041048

Best wishes


Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Jawun Centre (formerly Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research), Central Queensland University

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Foundation Director of the Language and Culture Research Centre (JCU)

Consultant, OED (South American languages)

phone 61-400305315




https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Aikhenvald_Alexandraalternative e-mail: a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au, nyamamayratakw at gmail.com, goldagorb at yahoo.com

Serial Verbs                  The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality

By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald                                              Edited By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>                 Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

[Sig1]<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>            [Sig2] <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

My new book is https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog<https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog/>.

From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.y.aikhenvald at live.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2023 5:37 PM
To: Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: A linguistic seminar of general interest: Dr Françoise Daquin, The origins and diversity of the French language and its dialects, 5 July Wednesday 3-5 pm

Dear colleagues,

I would like to announce our forthcoming seminar of the Jawun Research Centre which should  be of interest to all.

On 5 July, Wednesday, 3-5 pm approx, Dr Françoise Daquin, will be talking about ‘The Origins and Diversity of the French Language and its Dialects

The abstract is as follows:

Since the Renaissance, French language has developed in parallel to the formation of the French nation. The early development of the whole of France geographically into a nation distinguishes France from the other countries, notably in its politics regarding regional languages.

Influenced by the fluctuations of history and human institutions, French language has varied from one period to another, and even more distinctly, from region to region. If there is a discipline that links the history of languages in France, it is geography.

In 1992, the Second Article of the Constitution defined French as the language of the French Republic. Yet, regional languages are still recognised and celebrated in the same way monuments, works of art and political history symbolise cultural plurality of which languages are conveyors par excellence.

The zoom link is https://cqu.zoom.us/j/85006415075?pwd=ckZRVEJobVR2OU9UT0ZUSDhXZmozZz09#success<https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fcqu.zoom.us.mcas.ms%2Fj%2F85006415075%3Fpwd%3DckZRVEJobVR2OU9UT0ZUSDhXZmozZz09%26McasTsid%3D20893%23success&McasCSRF=ce2e4319e307e47cdd6bd8b754d7b00167e525844719c5dfb83441158e3a337a>

password 572150

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting<https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fcqu.zoom.us.mcas.ms%2Fj%2F85006415075%3Fpwd%3DckZRVEJobVR2OU9UT0ZUSDhXZmozZz09%26McasTsid%3D20893%23success&McasCSRF=ce2e4319e307e47cdd6bd8b754d7b00167e525844719c5dfb83441158e3a337a>

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.


The flyer is attached.

For those who will be here with us face-to-face: the room is now 2.26 (same level as the Jawun Centre itself).

Look forward to seeing you all one way or another!

Best wishes



Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Jawun Centre (formerly Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research), Central Queensland University

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Foundation Director of the Language and Culture Research Centre (JCU)

Consultant, OED (South American languages)

phone 61-400305315




https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Aikhenvald_Alexandraalternative e-mail: a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au, nyamamayratakw at gmail.com, goldagorb at yahoo.com

Serial Verbs                  The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality

By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald                                              Edited By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>                 Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

[Sig1]<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>            [Sig2] <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

My new book is https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog<https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog/>.

From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.y.aikhenvald at live.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 31 May 2023 8:05 PM
To: Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: A linguistic seminar: Dr Florence Boulard, Pacific French- a migrant story, 7 June Wednesday 3-5 pm

Dear friends and colleagues

I would like to share with you the news about our upcoming Seminar within the Jawun Research Centre Multidisciplinary seminar series, of interest to a wide variety of linguists.

On 7 June, Wednesday, 3-5 pm approx, Dr Florence Boulard will be talking about 'Pacific French: A Migrant story'.

The abstract is as follows:

One of Australia’s closest east-side neighbours is the Franco-Melanesian Island known as New Caledonia/Kanaky. Despite Australia’s proximity to this island, my 20 years’ experience as a migrant has taught me that the South Pacific islands are often misunderstood by the general public. This presentation will introduce 21st century New Caledonia/Kanaky as an interwoven part of Australia’s future. The presentation will discuss the people, languages, and cultures of my island home. In particular, this seminar draws attention to the vehicle of education which creates a window of opportunity to bring attention to Pacific French and help transform the imagery of the South Pacific islands.

The zoom link is https://cqu.zoom.us/j/85006415075?pwd=ckZRVEJobVR2OU9UT0ZUSDhXZmozZz09#success

password 572150

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting<https://cqu.zoom.us/j/85006415075?pwd=ckZRVEJobVR2OU9UT0ZUSDhXZmozZz09#success>

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.


The flyer is attached.

Look forward to seeing you all one way or another!

Best wishes


Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Jawun Centre (formerly Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research), Central Queensland University

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Foundation Director of the Language and Culture Research Centre (JCU)

Consultant, OED (South American languages)

phone 61-400305315




https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Aikhenvald_Alexandraalternative e-mail: a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au, nyamamayratakw at gmail.com, goldagorb at yahoo.com

Serial Verbs                  The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality

By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald                                              Edited By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>                 Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

[Sig1]<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>            [Sig2] <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

My new book is https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog<https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog/>.

From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.y.aikhenvald at live.com>
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2023 3:52 PM
To: Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: A special seminar: 19 April, Wedn 3-5 pm approx, John Mansfield, 'Linguistic divergence vs order'

Dear friends and colleagues

It gives me a great pleasure to announce our upcoming Special Seminar within the Jawun Research Centre Multidisciplinary seminar series.

On 19 April, Wednesday, 3-5 pm approx, Dr John Mansfield will be talking about 'Linguistic divergence vs order'

Abstract: Typological and historical research shows that languages in close contact with one another often develop similar grammatical structures, while maintaining sharp distinctions in their lexical forms. Social contact between groups seems to promote grammatical convergence, sometimes accompanied by lexical divergence. However the lexical/grammatical dividing line in language is not always easy to draw, and the nuanced effects of social contact on linguistic divergence therefore require further exploration. In this talk I begin with some examples from the Daly region of northern Australia, suggesting that the divergence/convergence dynamic may be better formulated as a matter of form vs order, or form vs semantics, rather than lexicon vs grammar. I then present a global survey of dialect differentiation that offers some support for this proposal.

The zoom connection is as follows:


Or join meeting with the following methods

Phone one-tap

Phone one-tap:

Australia: +61861193900,,87004141042# or +61871501149,,87004141042#

Join by Telephone

For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.


Australia : +61 8 6119 3900 or +61 8 7150 1149 or +61 2 8015 6011 or +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 7 3185 3730

Meeting ID:

870 0414 1042



The flyer is attached.

Best wishes


Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Jawun Centre (formerly Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research), Central Queensland University

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Foundation Director of the Language and Culture Research Centre (JCU)

Consultant, OED (South American languages)

phone 61-400305315




https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Aikhenvald_Alexandraalternative e-mail: a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au, nyamamayratakw at gmail.com, goldagorb at yahoo.com

Serial Verbs                  The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality

By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald                                              Edited By Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>                 Now available from Oxford University Press<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

[Sig1]<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/serial-verbs-9780198791263?cc=au&lang=en&>            [Sig2] <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-evidentiality-9780198759515?cc=au&lang=en&>

My new book is https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog<https://profilebooks.com/work/i-saw-the-dog/>.

From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au>
Sent: Sunday, 9 April 2023 5:59 PM
To: Anne <astorch at uni-koeln.de>; David Guerrero <dfguerrerob at unal.edu.co>; Nerida <nerida.jarkey at sydney.edu.au>; Brigitta <brigitta.flick at protonmail.com>; Juliane 2 <juliane.boettger at gmail.com>; Grant Aiton <aiton.grant at gmail.com>; Heronides <heronides at uol.com.br>; Iwona <i.e.kraska-szlenk at uw.edu.pl>; Abe <junwei.bai at my.jcu.edu.au>; Chiajung 2 <larspan216 at yahoo.com.tw>; Sihong <zhang-sihong at qq.com>; Ute <euharing at gmail.com>; Borut <borut at zrc-sazu.si>; Anna H <Anna.Hayes at jcu.edu.au>; Kearrin <Kearrin.Sims at jcu.edu.au>; Janice <Janice.Wegner at jcu.edu.au>; Sue M <sue.mcginty at jcu.edu.au>; Tahnee <TInnes at cylc.org.au>; Kate <kate.burridge at monash.edu>; Gwen <gwendolyn.hyslop at gmail.com>; Hannah <h.sarvasy at westernsydney.edu.au>; Yongxian L <yongxian.luo at gmail.com>; Bronwen <bronwen.forster at jcu.edu.au>; Hilary <Hilary.Whitehouse at jcu.edu.au>; Chris <christoph.holz at cqumail.com>; Komla Tsey <Komla.Tsey at jcu.edu.au>; Kasia <k.wojtylak at al.uw.edu.pl>; Knut J. Olawsky - Mirima Council <ceo at mirima.org.au>; Stephen Torre <storre at ozemail.com.au>; Nerina <Nerina.Caltabiano at jcu.edu.au>; marie <Marie.Caltabiano at jcu.edu.au>; Sue M <sue.mcginty at jcu.edu.au>; Cassy <cassynancarrow at me.com>; Dineke <dineke.schokkin at canterbury.ac.nz>; Francoise <fmddaquin at yahoo.com.au>; Knut O <kj at olawsky.net.au>; Mike Lu <lutianqiao at maonan.org>; Mateus <mateuscmcarvalho at hotmail.com>; Reesa <reesa.sorin at gmail.com>; Lisa <Lisa.Law at jcu.edu.au>; Marysia <mwfriend1 at gmail.com>; Angeliki <alvanoudiag at yahoo.gr>; Azeb Amha <A.Amha at ascleiden.nl>; Cácio Silva <caciosilva at terra.com.br>; Chia-jung <chiajung.pan216 at gmail.com>; Christoph Holz <chr-holz1 at web.de>; Spicer, Chrystopher <chrystopher.spicer at jcu.edu.au>; Vavrova, Daniela <daniela.vavrova at jcu.edu.au>; firew <firewgirma.worku at my.jcu.edu.au>; Boulard, Florence <florence.boulard at jcu.edu.au>; Henry, Rosita <rosita.henry at jcu.edu.au>; Kenneth Sumbuk <kennethsumbuk at googlemail.com>; Knut <manager at mirima.org.au>; Ciucci, Luca <luca.ciucci at jcu.edu.au>; Friend, Maria <maria.friend at jcu.edu.au>; Underdown, Michael <michael.underdown at jcu.edu.au>; Mous, M.P.G.M. <M.Mous at hum.leidenuniv.nl>; Nancarrow, Cassy <cassy.nancarrow at jcu.edu.au>; Nick Piper <nickjpiper at hotmail.com>; Otto, Ton <ton.otto at jcu.edu.au>; Pema Wangdi <pemongdi at gmail.com>; Bertinetto Bertinetto <p.m.bertinetto at gmail.com>; Bertinetto Bertinetto <p.m.bertinetto at gmail.com>; Pilar <valenzuela at chapman.edu>; Robert Bradshaw <Robert.Bradshaw at my.jcu.edu.au>; Simon <Simon.Overall at gmail.com>; Steve Watters <steve_watters at sil.org>; Valerie Guerin <valerie.guerin at gmail.com>; Lourens de Vries <l.j.de.vries at vu.nl>; Wood, Michael <michael.wood at jcu.edu.au>; tweetingbird at me.com <tweetingbird at me.com>; craig.volker at jcu.edu.au <craig.volker at jcu.edu.au>; wantok at protonmail.com <wantok at protonmail.com>; Joe Blythe <joe.blythe at mq.edu.au>; Cassy Nancarrow <cassynancarrow at gmail.com>; Cassy Nancarrow <cassynancarrow at gmail.com>; Francoise <fmddaquin at yahoo.com.au>; Angeliki <alvanoudiag at yahoo.gr>; Elizabeth Smyth <elizabeth.smyth at my.jcu.edu.au>; Nelson, Paul <paul.nelson at jcu.edu.au>; patrodwell481 at gmail.com <patrodwell481 at gmail.com>; Ute <euharing at gmail.com>; s.cooms at uq.edu.au <s.cooms at uq.edu.au>; Don Niles <dniles.ipngs at gmail.com>; Malinda Ginmaule <malinda_ginmaule at sil.org>; levyedandco at gmail.com <levyedandco at gmail.com>; Lynn Landweer <lynn_landweer at sil.org>; Pema Wangdi <p.wangdi at cqu.edu.au>; Brigitta Flick <b.flick at cqu.edu.au>; barkerbiker at gmail.com <barkerbiker at gmail.com>; Virginia Kruger <v.kruger at cqu.edu.au>; Svitlana Martinek <s.v.martinek at gmail.com>; k.wojtylak at uw.edu.pl <k.wojtylak at uw.edu.pl>; s.cooms at uq.edu.au <s.cooms at uq.edu.au>; jbmansfield at gmail.com <jbmansfield at gmail.com>; Alexandra Aikhenvald <a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au>; a.y.aikhenvald at live.com <a.y.aikhenvald at live.com>
Cc: LUo <yongxian at unimelb.edu.au>; Moona <dperrotin at bigpond.com>; Robert Dixon <r.dixon2 at cqu.edu.au>; janhelenwegner at bigpond.com <janhelenwegner at bigpond.com>; Mary Wellington <png_commserv at yahoo.com.au>; Simon Foale <simon.foale at jcu.edu.au>; Darren Walker <d.j.walker at cqu.edu.au>; Dr Mark <markdavid.chong at jcu.edu.au>; Janya Mccalman <j.mccalman at cqu.edu.au>; Miriam Ham <m.ham at cqu.edu.au>; Kate Wanchap <katewanchap at hotmail.com>; admin at thejilyainstitute.com.au <admin at thejilyainstitute.com.au>; Sarah Blunden <s.blunden at cqu.edu.au>; cathy day <cday at tbmf.com.au>
Subject: A special seminar: 19 April, Wedn 3-5 pm approx, John Mansfield, 'Linguistic divergence vs order'

Dear friends and colleagues

It gives me a great pleasure to announce our upcoming Special Seminar within the Jawun Research Centre Multidisciplinary seminar series.

On 19 April, Wednesday, 3-5 pm approx, Dr John Mansfield will be talking about 'Linguistic divergence vs order'

Abstract: Typological and historical research shows that languages in close contact with one another often develop similar grammatical structures, while maintaining sharp distinctions in their lexical forms. Social contact between groups seems to promote grammatical convergence, sometimes accompanied by lexical divergence. However the lexical/grammatical dividing line in language is not always easy to draw, and the nuanced effects of social contact on linguistic divergence therefore require further exploration. In this talk I begin with some examples from the Daly region of northern Australia, suggesting that the divergence/convergence dynamic may be better formulated as a matter of form vs order, or form vs semantics, rather than lexicon vs grammar. I then present a global survey of dialect differentiation that offers some support for this proposal.

The zoom connection is as follows:


Or join meeting with the following methods

Phone one-tap

Phone one-tap:

Australia: +61861193900,,87004141042# or +61871501149,,87004141042#

Join by Telephone

For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.


Australia : +61 8 6119 3900 or +61 8 7150 1149 or +61 2 8015 6011 or +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 7 3185 3730

Meeting ID:

870 0414 1042



Note that this is different from the previous seminar.

I am attaching the flyer - and look forward to seeing you all one way or another!

Best wishes


Professor Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, PhD, Dlitt, FAHA, FQAAS, MAE

Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Laureate Fellow

Consultant OED (South American Indian languages)

http://www.aikhenvaldlinguistics.com/; https://staff-profiles.cqu.edu.au/home/view/25682


Yidinji Country

Jawun Research Centre

CQUniversity Australia, 42-52 Abbott Street & Shields Street, Cairns City QLD 4870

 Mobile 0400305315

Landline 61 07 40379178 (or ext. 59178)

| E-mail:  a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au<mailto:a.aikhenvald at cqu.edu.au>

I respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and learn, and pay respect to the First Nations Peoples and their elders, past, present and future.

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